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Double Your Referrals in 49 Days
Hi all, I help business coaches to double their referrals in 49 days or less. On average, coaches should expect to receive around 50-100 referrals in a 90 day period based on the experience of past clients. It's a 90% DFY program where we put together an event for our clients to help attract their best potential clients and referral partners. At the end of the event, each client will walk away with a list of referrals, and we provide a follow-up system to help them create those sales calls. Would love your feedback.
New Offer - Lead Flow Accelerator
Lead Flow Accelerator: 5 Days to Consistent, High-Ticket Clients Receive a fully customized lead generation strategy designed to consistently deliver 3-5 high-caliber clients for your $3K+ offer each month, paired with expert coaching to optimize your offer and closing skills for premium results. Are You Ready to Attract High-Caliber Clients Without the Stress of Unpredictable Sales? ๐Ÿ‘‰ Youโ€™ve sold your $3K+ offer a few times but find yourself stuck in a cycle of inconsistent sales. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Youโ€™re ready to step up, attract premium clients, and create a consistent stream of revenue. ๐Ÿ‘‰ You know you're meant to scale well beyond 6 figures, but you need a proven system to deliver high-ticket clients consistently. What if you could implement that system in just 5 days? Introducing the Lead Flow Accelerator: 5-Days to Consistent High-Ticket Clients Over the course of 5 days, weโ€™ll work together 1:1 to create a customized lead generation system that delivers 3-5 high-ticket clients per month. Iโ€™ll also show you how to optimize your offer to sell for over $5,000, sharpen your closing skills, and consistently bring in premium clients without adding unnecessary tasks to your already busy schedule. Hereโ€™s How Weโ€™ll Get You There: Day 1: Offer Deep Dive & Profitability Analysis On Day 1, weโ€™ll take a deep dive into your offer. Weโ€™ll ask the right questions to assess whatโ€™s working, whatโ€™s not, and where your offer can shift to attract higher-caliber clients. Iโ€™ll help you reframe your offer to solve a more profitable problemโ€”something high-ticket buyers are eager to pay $5K+ for. (Like my client, J., who doubled her price and closed her first sale two weeks later!) Day 2: Sales Process Optimization Weโ€™ll look at your current sales process, whether you're closing in DMs or through discovery calls. Iโ€™ll provide specific strategies to optimize your sales conversations and closing techniques so you convert more leads into paying clients. Day 3: Done-For-You Lead Generation Strategy
New comment 1h ago
My new "about" page- (please critique )
"You're not alone if youโ€™re struggling with that harsh inner voice that makes everything harder. Maybe youโ€™re a perfectionist, a people-pleaser, or an over-thinker, constantly feeling like youโ€™re never enough. You freely give compassion to others, but self-compassion is missing when it comes to yourself. Instead, youโ€™re stuck with an inner critic that fuels anxiety and pushes you toward impossible standards. Self-care, taking breaks, or asking for help feels selfish, like youโ€™re falling short. Even with friends, you might still feel like you donโ€™t belong. So you have relied way too much on drinking and other "things" to feel ok. Itโ€™s exhausting, I know. However, with the proper support, you can break free from perfectionism, people-pleasing, and overthinking and build the self-compassion you offer others. Easier Ways is here to help. Here, you will learn skills to quiet your inner critic and what is needed to make good money doing what you enjoy." This is the maximum amount of words... so can't add, can only replace words. What do you suggest to improve this?
New comment 4h ago
Do you like my VSL?
Hey Legends. I have recorded a VSL for my new community: Simple Clients Acquisition and would love to here your honest, unfiltered opinion. Appreciate you all.
New comment 1d ago
Do you like my VSL?
Your Honest Feedback on This Group?
If you read my last post, you now know that I'm charging for access to this group. The good news is that you lucked out and got FREE lifetime ACCESS by joining before today! I'm going to start running ADS tomorrow to grow this community by adding paying members. I'd love to be able to include some screenshots about the value that you feel is inside this group. Can you help me out? Leave Your Comment below about what you've found most valuable about being a member, and I'll include them in the ADs and on the salesletter to help others understand why they should pay to join! Thanking you in advance for letting me know what you've found most valuable... And also, by you telling me what you've found is the greatest value for you, I'll be able to provide more of that for you in the future as well!
New comment 1d ago
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Skool for High Ticket Experts
Our #1 Goal is to Give You Mindset, Training & SUPPORT to close your next high ticket client, selling Coaching & Services ($3,000 and above).
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