My new "about" page- (please critique )
"You're not alone if you’re struggling with that harsh inner voice that makes everything harder.
Maybe you’re a perfectionist, a people-pleaser, or an over-thinker, constantly feeling like you’re never enough.
You freely give compassion to others, but self-compassion is missing when it comes to yourself.
Instead, you’re stuck with an inner critic that fuels anxiety and pushes you toward impossible standards.
Self-care, taking breaks, or asking for help feels selfish, like you’re falling short.
Even with friends, you might still feel like you don’t belong. So you have relied way too much on drinking and other "things" to feel ok.
It’s exhausting, I know. However, with the proper support, you can break free from perfectionism, people-pleasing, and overthinking and build the self-compassion you offer others.
Easier Ways is here to help. Here, you will learn skills to quiet your inner critic and what is needed to make good money doing what you enjoy."
This is the maximum amount of words... so can't add, can only replace words. What do you suggest to improve this?
Randy Hyden
My new "about" page- (please critique )
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