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Level 0
5points to level up
Level 1 - Newbie
Unlock "Welcome to our Group! Start Here!" 53% of members
Level 2 - Entrepreneur
Unlock , 16% of members
Level 3 - In-Demand
Unlock "CEO Investor Mindset" 16% of members
Level 4 - Sales Pro
Unlock "SKOOL Organic Lead Generation" 6% of members
Level 5 - Investor
Unlock "High Ticket Messaging Workshop (unlocks at level5)" 7% of members
Level 6 - CEO
Unlock "Lead Generation Masterclass (Unlocks at Level 6)" 1% of members
Level 7 - Millionaire
Unlock "DM Sales Method (unlocks at level 7)" 1% of members
Level 8 - Financially Free!
Unlock "ChatGPT Leadgen Machine (unlocks at level 8)" 0% of members
Level 9 - ICON
Unlock "Level 9 Mastermind (unlocks at level 9)." 0% of members
Last updated: Sep 21st 2024 12:47am