Your Honest Feedback on This Group?
If you read my last post, you now know that I'm charging for access to this group.
The good news is that you lucked out and got FREE lifetime ACCESS by joining before today!
I'm going to start running ADS tomorrow to grow this community by adding paying members.
I'd love to be able to include some screenshots about the value that you feel is inside this group.
Can you help me out? Leave Your Comment below about what you've found most valuable about being a member, and I'll include them in the ADs and on the salesletter to help others understand why they should pay to join!
Thanking you in advance for letting me know what you've found most valuable...
And also, by you telling me what you've found is the greatest value for you, I'll be able to provide more of that for you in the future as well!
Brian Campbell
Your Honest Feedback on This Group?
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