Can I give myself permission to feel good BEFORE I get what I want?
How often have you caught yourself thinking or saying "I'll be happy when..."
Today's question helps you grasp that you get to feel good whenever you choose.
Not before... well... anything.
Nothing has to happen in order for you to feel good.
Nothing has to change in order for you to feel good.
No one has to change in order for you to feel good.
You don't have to accomplish anything before you get to feel good.
You don't have to do anything you're not already doing.
You don't have to be anything you're not already being.
You don't have to learn anything or create anything new.
You don't have to impress anyone.
Because you can choose to feel good anytime you like.
Take that in.
You are worthy.
You were born worthy.
You already have all you need.
Have you given yourself permission to feel good before you get what you want?
#feelgood #permissiongranted
Lauren Kinghorn
Can I give myself permission to feel good BEFORE I get what I want?
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