Do you tip at Starbucks (help me settle a bet 🤣)
Do you tip at Starbucks?
I was chatting with a friend yesterday about this - help us settle something?
I'm very interested in what my North American comrades say.
I only added two options in the poll, but please drop your thought process in the comments.
Very curious!
3 votes
• Aug '24
I'm not from North America, but I was a waiter in the North East U.S. Those tips were a financial saviour.
• Aug '24
An American's opinion: I do not typically tip at large international chains where the service is walk-up only, sometimes yes at local coffee shops if the service is really great. Speaking from the perspective of someone who has lived both internationally (France) and lived in 4 USA states (NC, FL, TX, and CA) that all have different policies on tips, the actual benefit of the tips depends on where you live in the USA because of minimum wage laws and taxation on tips policies. Just because you tip, doesn't mean it actually benefits the person who serves you! Just one person's perspective and curious to hear others' takes.
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Andrew Woodbury
Do you tip at Starbucks (help me settle a bet 🤣)
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