Write something
Hey hey hey what's up You guys ready for the second challenge?😎 This one's gonna be a real exciting one, so you better say "let's go" in the comments when you take this on!💪 Here are the rules: (the challenge lasts until the next Friday, Thursday the 10th of May) ✏️ Share a LinkedIn post every single day. 📣 Reach out to a cold ideal prospect (either via email/ Linkedin/ Upwork/ Fiverr) every single day. 👇 Post a screenshot for proof in the new "🔥CHALLENGES🔥" channel (right next to General discussion and Wins in the Community tab) as a separate(!) post. The last one is for 2 reasons: - To keep each other accountable. - To celebrate each other's progress. If you get any questions along the way, this is exactly what this community is for. :) If you're in, leave a comment below with "let's go!". You're all cool! Have a great rest of your Thursday!🌞
New comment May 10
Yooo what's up, everyone! I'm soooo stoked to see the community grow and I just wanted to say I'm beyond excited to have you all here! I'm working on building out the Classroom section, adding more videos and courses as we go! Stay tuned for that!💪 A quick reminder to leave a comment in the "Introduce Yourself" section - would love to get to know you all (kudos to @Joe Carson for being the fastest one!🔥) 📞 As the community grows, I'll be hosting the first group call of the Freelance Hackademy to make this the most tight-knit unbeatable LFG mindset Hackademy there is! If that sounds like a plan, leave this post a comment "sounds like a freaking plan, Kirke! 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Alright, now listen up, we're about to spice things up. Thing is, I believe in creating powerful habits. 🌶️ I stronggggly believe in ditching excuses and doing the things that I know will make me perform better. But sometimes life happens and we fall off the racks. 🌶️ That's why it's important to have like-minded people (like you killers🔥) to keep you accountable. SO I THINK IT'S ABOUT TIME WE START THE FIRST CHALLENGE (can I get a "let's gooooo" and "helll yesss"?) 🌶️ The challenge is to commit to one habit/ routine/ ritual you'll do every single day for 7 days straight. 🌶️ Pick one habit you've been lazy at/ want to start that you'll commit to for the next 7 days (no excuses!) 🌶️ This might be working out every day (if you're not already) 🌶️ This might be reading a specific book for an hour every day (if you're struggling with that) 🌶️ This might be committing to journaling for 30 minutes every morning (if you want to start the habit and need your "sign" to start - this here is the sign!) 🌶️ This might be posting on LinkedIn daily (if you aren't already). Or maybe, it's something completely different. The goal? To start the one thing you've been postponing doing consistently that'll help you drive better results (because you deserve it!).
New comment Apr 29
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