Hey hey hey what's up
You guys ready for the second challenge?😎
This one's gonna be a real exciting one, so you better say "let's go" in the comments when you take this on!💪
Here are the rules:
(the challenge lasts until the next Friday, Thursday the 10th of May)
✏️ Share a LinkedIn post every single day.
📣 Reach out to a cold ideal prospect (either via email/ Linkedin/ Upwork/ Fiverr) every single day.
👇 Post a screenshot for proof in the new "🔥CHALLENGES🔥" channel (right next to General discussion and Wins in the Community tab) as a separate(!) post.
The last one is for 2 reasons:
  • To keep each other accountable.
  • To celebrate each other's progress.
If you get any questions along the way, this is exactly what this community is for. :)
If you're in, leave a comment below with "let's go!".
You're all cool!
Have a great rest of your Thursday!🌞
Kirke Männik
Freelance Hackademy
Mastering the Game Beyond Freelancing - Revealing Top-Rated Copywriter and 6-Figure CSM Secrets for you to grow faster than your competition.
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