Thank you
This morning, while doing my appreciation, I kept thinking about how grateful I am for this opportunity and community. I tried to define the points that make this series different from others and why I feel I am seeing so much more success and I came up with a few things
1. Knowledge - I have a master’s in biology and my husband has his PhD in biochemistry. I always get annoyed when someone throws out buzz words and tries to speak above you so that you follow out of insecurity but usually the people are just reading a script and don’t fully understand. You can tell from all of the videos and interactions that you guys have really dug into the research and are truly excited about it. I mean when you guys are explaining stuff you make it accessible to everyone and do it with the same enthusiasm as a child talking about dinosaurs!
2. Personal experience- you guys speak from personal experience and never say “this is the only way to go”. You honestly give us the parameters to work within and then options to make it work.
3. community/accountability - using the Skool app and having weekl videos and meetings truly helps
So thank you guys for everything
Molly Woofter
Thank you
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