So I just watched the move video and I gotta say I am super glad we did EAT first. My mind is giving me a lot of resistance to the actual time it is going to take to do this part. Had I not already committed to the EAT and ADAM portions I think this would be even harder for me. I have been telling myself all along that the farm work is my work out because it is something that has to be done and I am serving my family in the process. EAT and ADAM were pretty easy because it just has to do with choices and time that I already use that I am ok with . But MOVE is something where I have to add in time for myself and I am feeling a lot of mind push back . Things like - how are you going to fit this in? If you take time to do this what might fall apart in another area of your life (type A I know)? So what are some of the things you say to yourself to combat these thoughts? I am going to do it- I made the dedication but this section has resistance for sure
Molly Woofter
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