Hey Lovely People ๐Ÿ˜Š
Im Lisa and I live in Scotland with my 3 children and I run a small bookkeeping business. I'm looking to get whole body health, made up of both true health and true wealth aspects (health and wealth based on my own values and aspirations e.g. an abundance of love is just as much a part of true wealth as money is, if not more). I know ive came in on week 4 of the health segment so I've got a lot of catching up to do. What is fortunate is that I've been working on the health aspect this year already. From simple breathwork, diet changes and yoga, now progressing to strength training, intermittent fasting and deep breathwork and meditation. Looking forward to taking the journey with you all and thanks for the opportunity ๐Ÿ˜€
Lisa Connolly
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