Getting family members to join with the FLOW
So this video was right up my alley. I am all about clean clutter free spaces and honestly have a hard time relaxing if something needs to be done. Problem is I have 4 kids and a husband who do not have the same level of clutter free need as I do. As a result, I am constantly picking up behind people and become resentful in the process. I would love some suggestions on how to get the others in my home to care as much as I do. And don’t get me started with the barn because if you haven’t had an argument with your kids in the barn about the importance of putting things back in the exact place you got it from then honestly … is it really a barn? I can’t tell you how many times the box cutter we use for the hay bales has been misplaced! I do understand that the alternative is I could let go a little bit but …. I’m type A and want it my way. Seriously though, my family helps and they aren’t jerks or anything I just have a lower clutter threshold than they do
Molly Woofter
Getting family members to join with the FLOW
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