Write something
The Present Moment.
There is nothing to our names except for right now. We have plans for the future, memories of the past, but neither of those are now. So many of us are shackled to a timeline or story that simply does not allow us to "live as if it is our last day." I think understanding all we have is now, allows us to embrace whatever we are doing with more freedom, less mental chatter, and less expectations for the future. Expectations limit what could happen, and then cause undo anxiety/stress in the now.
I believe this is something many of us struggle with throughout all of life. We struggle to be congruent, or actually doing what we say we will do, and being who we think we are. Perhaps I am speaking just for myself here, but a quick one is where we will say "oh I am trying to work out more". What does that really mean? Are you committing to doing it, or not? Have your prioritized it, or not? If something does not become a priority in your life it is likely it will fall to the side. The world is throwing distractions at us 24/7, we must filter out the crap and highlight the good for further self mastery.
Agree, or do not agree.
From the 4 Agreements written by Don Miguel Ruiz; We agree to all symbols, letters, words, ideas, labels, and laws within our lives. We are born into it, we normalize it, and we often don't think about it. Often we do not have a choice and are "programmed" with all these agreements. But with deep work and practice you can change your agreements with life. You can change your mindset, your relationships, your labels, your self image. You may seem delusional to others, but you could agree with yourself to not care.
In The Eyes of The All.
Imagine a moment, infinite. Infinite options, perspectives, timelines, universes, ideas, languages, beings, stars, planets. Imagine what the idea of infinite means. Never ending, complex and incomprehensible. Yet here we are, judging ourselves. Do you think all that is could possibly be judging you for anything? It is you, it is the whole seen and unseen universe.
New comment Jun 1
There is no future.
If you are completely honest with yourself, you do not know what is going to happen to you tomorrow, in the next hour, or the next minute. We all have our plans and expectations of what will happen but we honestly don't know. It has always been that way. We have all been living by a blind faith that everything is simply going to keep going the way we expect it to. In every moment you are altering your future with the decisions you make right now. Yes we plan for the future, but we must also embrace the journey. All we have is now, there is no future.
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Free Minds
The primary objective is to break the personal illusions & limitations and challenge what we think we know about the world. Free Minds = Free Lives.
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