Looking for a dope compressor
Hey, guys. The start of this New Year would be a perfect time to give your life to Jesus. Eternity is a long time to spend in torment.
Anyway, my last two mixes sound great. God's providence (which is how I found MDC), y'alls advice, Dylan's YouTube videos, leveling up my plugins [Softube's been been having some CRAZY sales], and updating my DAW has them sounding good as crap. (This time last year, I was using Pro Tools 11. We listen and we don't judge 😂) Now I'm looking for a high end analog compressor I can use on my individual tracks. One with attack and release times measured in ms or seconds for the release. And when I say high end, I mean SSL high end, industry standard. Of course, I'm not going to pay that kind of money, but if I keep an eye on them, I might be able to hit a lick with a sale at the right time. Right now, I've got my eye on SSL X Valve and Blitzer, leaning more towards the X Valve since the attack and release have a wider range. Any recommendations would greatly be appreciated.
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Rick Sanders
Looking for a dope compressor
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