18h ago (edited) in Habit Tracker
7 Day Habit Tracker Competition
Start: Friday
Duration 7 days
Rules: Post the habit you chose and an image showing proof
(Example: 10k steps, workout, calorie goal, sleep goal, cardio goal, etc... Just a daily habit you can keep track of and an image proving you did it.)
***If more than one person gets a 7/7 score, then there will be a fun competition on who can drink a protein shake the fastest hosted live on our zoom call***
Prize: One Month Personalized Exercise Program (One hour 1on1 call with me to make it)
Vote if to let me know if you are partaking in the competition. Comment to tell us what habit you are choosing, it can be anything that helps with your fitness goals.
I'll win the prize!!!
I'll play!
I'm out...
3 votes
1 comment
Kody Hull
7 Day Habit Tracker Competition
Forever Fitness
Young men building the body of their dreams
Leaderboard (30-day)
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