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Cold Email Made Easier with this Free Resource
In Cold emailing, OPENS are the first step getting Clients. And that’s because It doesn’t matter How good your Leads, Offer or CTA’s are… A low Open rate will always WRECK your campaign results When it comes to Open rates there’s 3 possible Issues 1. Unverified Leads 2. Poor Deliverability 3. Bad or Cliché Subject Lines Comment “Help” and send a message if you’d like to get my “Guide to High Quality Leads & Deliverability + Top 5 Subject Line variations” that get you 40-60% Opens on your campaigns. Best part is we’ve tested them on over 7 Industries so it doesn’t really matter what Niche you’re targeting
New comment 10d ago
Cold Email Made Easier with this Free Resource
How to Land Highly Qualified Clients and Get Them Results Fast!
When we start our business, we feel super excited. and want to sell our product or service to just about everyone we can. We often think our offer is so good that it can help everyone regardless of who they are. We have created a Master Piece. Listen, Even though you think you can help just about everyone, you should not. Especially if you want to save lots of time, money, and effort for yourself and your clients. For example: Imagine you're a coach, and your goal is to help an athlete win an Olympic medal within four years. Who would be your ideal client? Would it be someone who has never run a race before? No. Your perfect client would be someone who has already competed at the highest level and finished between 4th and 8th place. Why is that? Because they’ve already put in the hard work. They know what it takes to perform at a high level, and they’re just one step away from reaching the podium. They’ve proven their dedication, their mindset is strong, and they want to succeed just as much as you want to help them. Now, imagine if you took on a complete beginner instead. How much longer would it take to get them to that level? You’d be looking at 10+ years of training just to build the basics, and there’s no guarantee they’ll stay committed or even make it to the end. This is why it's so important to focus on landing qualified clients—those who are already close to success. They’ve done the groundwork, and they’re looking for that final push to help them win. These are the clients who will see fast, measurable results, and they’ll appreciate the value you bring to the table. And also They pay well. By working with highly qualified clients, you’re able to deliver results faster, which in turn builds your credibility and makes it easier to attract more high-level clients in the future. So instead of starting from square one with a beginner, focus your time and energy on those who are already on their way. Help them cross that finish line faster, and you’ll build a reputation for being the coach who gets results—and gets them fast.
What do you do with your VSL script?
Hi I'm quite curious whether you write your VSL script yourself or get it outsourced. Because if its the latter than you've got yourself a fine VSL script coming... P.S was that cheesy?
New comment 23d ago
Are you making these mistakes in your copy
1. Writing for the group instead of just writing for a single reader: Your copy needs to talk to only one person. 2. Talking about yourself instead of the prospect. 3. Using complicated words and long sentences. 4. Not having a clear CTA. 5. Beating about the bush and being irrelevant. 6. Not providing proof and testimonials. 7. Talking about features instead of benefits for the reader. Please add to the above list if you feel appropriate. Good Luck with your copy.
New comment 26d ago
🔵 The 1 Prompt Content Template
Check out this 1 prompt-copywriting template and download it here:
New comment 28d ago
🔵 The 1 Prompt Content Template
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