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🔵 Free 2h Masterclass: "Zero to $10k/m Creator Partner" in 2024
This is the evolution to a "funnel builder", and helps you not only get paid for funnels, but for monetizing their audiences with info products. In this masterclass you'll also discover WHERE to find clients, how to close deals, how to position yourself and much more. Hint: This is one part of the evolution we're doing in this community. Don't miss out the #1 biggest opportunity in this creator space. Btw there's 40,000,000+ Creators online, 10.1 Million Youtubers with over 1k subs. More than 8M people on Patreon already, and they want to CONTROL their revenue with info products. Massive opportunity.
New comment 2h ago
🔵 Free 2h Masterclass: "Zero to $10k/m Creator Partner" in 2024
You may have noticed the name change in this community. I'm expanding the free course to be updated, wider and better. We're going ALL IN on helping you quit your job and create freedom by design. A business you actually LOVE. And then revealing the Fastlaner™ way to get there. Going off-grid today for 3 days - to create the new program for you. Which means next week will be juicy for you. ❤️ Stay tuned. Much love, G
New comment 4d ago
🔵 NEW: 10 Hour+ Free Online Business Course
Yes, it's 100% free. You'll see: - Which business is best to start in 2024 - How to get started without any money down - Niche, pricing, positioning and your portfolio - How to get your FIRST client - And how to turn your side hustle into full time Plus... You also get templates, scripts and resources for everything. This is everything I wish I had when I got started. No more holding back with free content. I'm doubling down on my paid programs too btw, so if you're in Funnels University or Inner Circle - stay tuned. Link to the free course here: Much love, G
New comment 3d ago
🔵 NEW: 10 Hour+ Free Online Business Course
Have you all seen this from Stripe?
Hey what other payment processors are y'all using? I'm using Stripe and PayPal now, but I feel like every year I hear something weird about Stripe, either directly from them or from other stripe users, which makes me nervous about using them for most of my payments. Anyone else feeling this? or am I overthinking it?
Have you all seen this from Stripe?
I would like to change the color of the active item of navbar
Ive googled, used AI but still couldn't figure it out yet. Any advise please?
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