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63 contributions to Freedom Fastlaner Club
Excited to connect
Hey, this is Avinash. It’s a pleasure to connect with you all, and I look forward to engaging with like-minded individuals. I have an agency specializing in lead generation. Let's inspire and support one another on our journey to success.
New comment 2d ago
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welcome to the group @Avinash Reddy it is great that you find out about this community through your friend. would love to know more about your lead gen agency!
how to get my first paying client for funnels ??
so guys i have 3+ video testimonials & over 10+ funnels i've built and so now hw do i get my first client for funnels ? do i do cold dms or group posts or what ways ??
New comment 2d ago
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just go after one specific type of client with specific offer, e.g. redesigning funnel for coaches who have 10k + followers on instagram, with this your offer would be to help them make more without creating a new offer, without getting new leads or spending money on ads, as they already have the traffic, you are just increase the conversion rate of the current traffic. These people are likely to convert better than people who are completely new to the funnels, and they get far better results too. instagram have a very basic search option, but you can do deep search on instagram using the tool: find people with this tool, check their funnel and if you think you can make it better, reachout to them via: DM, Likes, Story reply, Comments, Emails. One of the most under rated method that most people are not using are emails. subscribe to their freebie, and when you recieve email from them, reply back to that email with what you think needs to improve. I get email replies 60-70% of the times which beats everything else. but remember, don't make it a pitch email, just try to have a conversation in email at first. hope this helps..
What Should I Do? [Help Needed!]
Hey everyone, I’ve decided to dive into building funnels and want to fully leverage my UI design skills to start a funnel business. I’m eager to learn and willing to add any necessary skills along the way. This community is such an amazing resource, and I’m grateful for all the helpful people here! Since I’m just getting started, I’d love some recommendations on what steps to take as a beginner. Unfortunately, I can’t afford the Funnel University course right now, but I’m incredibly passionate and determined to make this work. I’m feeling a bit lost on where to begin, so any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much in advance for your help!
New comment 2d ago
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Hey @Nurul Hasnat Momin , Build your portolio of atleast 20 funnels in different niches, find experts on instagram who have good following but their funnels are not as good as you have designed, reach out to them and let them know how they can fix their funnel, and if they need help with that, offer them your help and let them know the price. Talk to atleast 25-30 people everyday, this should be the only thing you should be doing. NOTHING ELSE. Imagine, 25 people a day, is 750 people a month. and you need to close only 2-3 a month, that's crazy right.!! While creating your 20 funnel portfolio, document the entire process of building these funnels, share do's and Don'ts... this will become your content that you can share everyday. there is nothing else you need to do, no fancy stuff. I am sure this will help you land clients.
2 likes • 2d
@Nurul Hasnat Momin this is the funnel you can use: Optin page > Vsl > order page > Thank you page, Create thise 4 pages for all niches, Use the same framework for all niches, according to the page, Guston has shared lots of temples, you can use those to get started! Let me know if you need help with those.
funnel building service for ecommerce
To anyone in this group looking for assistance with a sales funnel specifically designed for an e-commerce brand,
New comment 3d ago
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Bro, what the update with $12000 in 45 days ? how many people you reached out to ? sent me screenshots please.
challenge $12000 in 45 days , with funnel building service and funnel desiging
Hi guys I am Makhan Singh I have taken on a challenge to earn 120000 $ in 45 days. I have acquired software that allows me to create funnel designs and funnel building. At the moment, I don't have even 1doller to spend. My goal is to earn this amount by creating 120000 funnels. Although I have never sold this service before today, I am willing to work day and night and dedicate all my time to this endeavour because I am completely free. So, please share your best advice on how to achieve this. Give me your top ideas and help me make it happen.
New comment 5d ago
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@Makhan Singh if you are seriously about this challenge, dont spend a single minute of your time doing anything other than sales!! Dont confuse being busy with progress. The one and only thing you should be doing is talk to people who might be your potential customers. Dont spend time watching a course, YouTube video, creating websites, logo etc Try to talk to 25-30 people a day, and not any random people. People who are already selling their offers, help them to increase their conversion of their current traffic, dont try to help a new marketer to launch his first offer, who dont have any audience or email list. it will not work for you and them, as their offer is not proven and have no authority. Hope that helps, let me know if you need some mire guidance
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Rohit Thakur
54points to level up
I build system and processes to automate online businesses

Active 6h ago
Joined Apr 29, 2024
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