DBR numbers
I was really surprised on how dramatically my numbers were. It is very unusual that I have ketones that high. I was trying to think about what I did different so I can up with the following points if anyone can get anything from them:
The jar of sardines was actually 9.5 oz and had over 1/4 cup oil and I ate and drank all of that in one sitting. The large amount of oil probably made me nauseous and may have caused release of ketones.
I have been working really hard on no snacks, carbs below 20 and my two meals early. The one day I ate a lot of chicken later in the day my fasting glucose was 101.
I also was adding ketones daily before the start of sardine challenge to get my cells primed to using ketones.
Not sure if this is helpful and I hope I can continue with the good numbers because I feel fabulous!
Wendy Devlin
DBR numbers
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