Sales Letter Outline for Print Google Doc
I've always admired Mariah because she can tell stories with images on ppt slides :-)
And then create beautiful sales pages that draw you in like bees to spring flowers.
But my mind is so logical . . . and straight-line . . . and for years I sold with just words, print words on an old html page.
Now I use google docs . . . we sell $1k - $3997 with a one page google doc + a SamCart order form.
So to all you left brain writers out there who struggle with design:
If I'm allowed to do this here (Mariah let me know if I'm out of line) . . . I'm copying my Google Doc Sales Outline Below:
***Sales Letter Outline
***Headline: How ______ Can do ______ and get (Result) Without (problems in solving it other ways)
***Sub - headline: The big benefit the solution provides
Start with the pain of the prospect
3 questions:
  • Are you struggling with . . . 
  • Are you frustrated because  . . . .
  • Are you frankly speaking, angry because it’s not working for you?
  • Are you irritated?
  • Are you fed up  . . . .
  • Are you tired of spinning your wheels?
I understand . . I’ve been there . . . if that’s the case for you . . . listen carefully because . . . I am going to tell you what worked for me (what worked for my clients)
(optional) Who this is for: By the way, this is for coaches and consultants who want to increase their reach
By the way, this is for middle managers who are tired of being passed over for raises and promotions by new green kids out of college
By the way, this is for Dads who struggle to get rid of their beer belly (even if it’s not beer, it’s chocolate candy)
Paragraph section for this:
  • What they’ve tried
  • What didn’t work
  • WHY it didn’t work
Paragraph Section for this:
  • Their desires
  • Their fears 
  • Their failures
  • Their enemies
  • Their suspicions
→ Core Concept
This is essentially your Foundational Premise - How you are different, why your method works and others don’t
→ Here’s a model:
You can (something they can do with another system) and get (a result)
However (there is a problem) because of (reason)
We are the best at solving this for this reason:
→ Enter you -
(paragraph section)
Your background story - as it applies to the problem at hand
Your struggle (their struggle as well)
AKA - the background
How you discovered the solution
Why it’s different
Why you are motivated to share the solution with them
→ A deep dive into the solution
Through the sales letter, you must:
Break old beliefs
Show new picture
Install new beliefs
The new beliefs lead to working with you
What does the prospect need to belief such that once they believe it, the next logical and natural step is to work with you?
Throughout the sales letter, deal with these
Summarize everything,
So as you can see, all you need to do is (insert point a) (insert point b) (insert point c) and you can achieve (desired state based on the headline)
→ Introduce options:
Options 1: (do it on your own, go to a competitor, etc) however
  • (insert problem with alternative 1)
  • (insert problem with alternative 2)
  • (insert problem with alternative 3)
Or you can use (your solution) and get (this result that is faster, better, cheaper)
→ Reaffirm who this is for:
This is for (niche person) who needs (solution) but is struggling with (problem)
You feel
You are in this situation:
→ Insert benefits:
→ Here’s what’s going to happen when you work with us:
  • You will be able to (outcome) in (timeframe)
  • ou can even (outcome) (better than before)
  • You can finally get rid of (negative result)
  • You can forget about (negative result)
  • You will feel (positive emotion) because of (result)
→ Features/How it Works
→ Use this pattern:
Before, when you wanted to ____, you had to _____
but now you can (new way) (to achieve outcome) without negative impact of (old way)
Do you you see how easy that is?
Before, when you wanted to ____, you had to _____
but now you can (new way) (to achieve outcome) without negative impact of (old way)
Do you see how easy that is?
Before, when you wanted to ____, you had to _____
but now you can (new way) (to achieve outcome) without negative impact of (old way)
Do you see how easy that is?
Repeat as many times as is necessary
Build the Dream
Build up the emotional impact of taking action . . .
This might look like:
Imagine how it would feel to _________
What would it mean for you if?_______
How many other people would be positively affected if you ???_____
. . . .a few more . . .
The bottom line that you’ll feel amazing, this will radically change your life for the better, even your family and friends will notice . . .
→ Price:
Now if you wanted to (get this outcome) before, it cost you (high cost of the old way)
We are only 1/10th of the price for 10x the benefit
(alternative: Notwithstanding the cost of cobbling together a whole bunch of other solutions to get the result you get with me in a short 6 week period, you are going to get EVERYTHING you need to
(outcome) all under one roof, organized so you can check each item off as you go, and it’s only $2000.
All you need to do is:
  • Book a call
  • Send a text
  • Take the trial
  • Sign up here
→ Warning:
We can only offer (limited time or quantity) because (reason) so be sure you act now (or negative response)
→ Bonuses:
Now because you are (reading this letter, watching this video) we are going to do something extra special)
→ Bonus example:
  • Coaching time
  • Additional access
  • More training
  • Bonus access
  • Guarantee 
→ So let’s summarize this offer:
You get:
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Bonus
  • Warning 
  • Guarantee
  • All you need to do is (insert call to action)
→ Q and A:
The buying is done in the Q and A
Over time, as you discover what stops people from buying your service, add to the Q and A
Listen to your customers and find out what objections they have, then answer them like this:
That’s a great questions, many clients have asked that before, this is what works for them
  • Will it work for me?
  • Can I afford it?
  • Do I have the time?
  • Do I trust you?
Now some of you may be asking, will it work for me in my country?
Well, (insert answer)
Will this work (condition)?
Well, (answer)
P.S. go ahead and get started: (cta)
folks, I hope this is super - helpful to you!😀
• Aug '23
Oooo now this is a value bomb love this! I have such a logical and systems brain that creating beautiful sales pages is not my jam lol. Love that you’ve been able to sell with just a simple google docs.
Do you have any examples/links?
Maybe a page that we could view so it doesn’t ruin your analytics/stats
• Aug '23
I can't do sales pages to save my life so seeing them like this is AMAZING.
Thank YOU for sharing your brilliance.
• Aug '23
thank you!!
• Aug '23
thank you!!
So I'll pop a link below . .
Just so you know, a real letter might not need all the components, or the order might be different, etc
I write it in flow, then I re-read it again and again until it personally flows for me.
Much more about feel than about rules,
this is the offer I'm currently working:
• Aug '23
love this! It’s so simple! Simplicity wins every time!
• Aug '23
thanks totally appreciate it
• Aug '23
I do copywriting and this is very similar to what I do! In fact, I often write the sales page before I fully flesh out my offer because I use it as an outline and work backwards. I like to think it helps keep me focused on the results clients can expect instead of just content for content's sake.
I've never sold from a Google Doc, but maybe I will do that when I'm pre-selling my course.
• Aug '23
thank you 😀
I have to write it too before I flesh out the full course/program for sure because it has to make logical and emotional sense to me for the client.
re: google doc . . . the final decision usually comes on the order form, or through something else like an email . . it's like the google doc is strong pre-selling, but there's usually one more step before they pull the trigger and buy.
• Aug '23
• Aug '23
Wow! I am absolutely blown away that you've added this to the Greatest Hits!! So very cool, thanks!!
• Aug '23 (edited)
by the way, that's pretty strong on the bro-marketing opportunity biz side of things . . why don't I share one that's tamer :-)
here's one I wrote actually about the process, woven into the letter, probably more typical of actually using the flow:
• Aug '23
love this! I can totally see this fill in the blank google doc sales page template as a freebie.
If you do decide to do it, I would love to get it!
• Aug '23 (edited)
I started my version of this via Notion and so glad I didn’t miss this post to help me along as I get going. 🥳 thank you for taking the time to share this. — you’re the best.
• Aug '23
I love that some people can just do a google doc! It's weird, my brain think in sections and diagrams haha. This is SO awesome!! THANK YOU for sharing,
• Aug '23
thanks so much . . it's so crazy because I LOVE what you do with sections and diagrams . . but when I go to do it my mind goes blank!! lol
it's like the 2 parts won't connect!!
You're welcome
I really appreciate your new community 😂
• Aug '23
that’s so cool that your brain works that way! I will say that although I struggled to create all the visuals for the LPT I put together last year and I’m currently not using that presentation as my webinar, I find myself pulling out many of the visuals to actually use in my client coaching sessions to illustrate points. You helped bring out that side of me too!
• Aug '23
I never thought of selling with a Google doc even though I have seen Sean Mize do it
• Aug '23
you certainly could do it for your program :-)
• Sep '24
Hello DM let chat
• Sep '23
💥BOMB💥 This is awesome Sean, cheers mate 🤝🏻
• Sep '23
• Sep '24
Hello DM let chat
• Mar '24
I think I just typed it into the post . . . that's my standard sales letter format I use over and over again so it feels burned in memory
• Aug '23
- Would you amend this at all for folks who have already joined the waitlist for your program?
So in my case they have already seen the full sales page and joined the waitlist (that's the CTA that's there for now until doors are open), and I want to send out a more casual/direct invitation to the waitlist only with an early enrollment opportunity.
I was going to include the program curriculum so that they see exactly what they're getting, along with a few case studies from previous clients. I have a LITTLE bit of a lead in with the program promise etc, but wondering about the opening sections of the letter, as they have already seen the sales page.
• Aug '23
I would certainly amend it based on different circumstances. If they have seen it to get onto a wait list, you would change the opening of course to "doors are open," etc . . .
And then add the language at sign up for the length of the enrollment period, etc.
I also transfer it from a google doc to a web page, so I can add deadline funnel, or I use deadline funnel on the order form.
Now, having said all of that, normally they've seen the sales page (prelaunch, or wait list, etc.) but then when the doors open, it's almost like you a need a new "next step" and I use the order form.
So the order form is where I'm driving folks to, once they've read the letter and either applied or joined a waitlist.
I know that feels like it bounces around a bit, but I was trying to cover a few different scenarios.
So another thing to think about as well is that the google doc will sometimes appeal to a slightly different audience.
Different people process and decide differently, some more emotionally, some more logically, of course, and then you have a layer of visual version print.
So in theory, some of the people who would have bought with a graphic letter might not buy with the google doc, but at the same time the google doc catches some folks who won't buy from the graphic design.
To combat that, I will sometimes use a graphic sales letter during the email campaign, mixing the exposure to which version they see (not a/b but instead wanting each person to see both)
And we can augment the experience as well with a short VSL or explainer video to add another layer of depth.
But at the end of the day, all of the usual psychology is present:
  • The full emotional picture from pain ---> pleasure
  • The full story of "why"
  • The complete explanation of why it's for them and what's included
  • The normal scarcity that comes with deadline funnel
  • The fear of missing out component
All of that is worked into the email campaign, just like with a webinar funnel.
• Aug '23
Thank you for taking the time to reply in so much detail. :)
• Aug '23 (edited)
• Aug '23
thanks, yay! love to hear that . . feeding the old ego lol
• Sep '24
Hello DM let chat
• Jan '24
Love this
• Mar '24
thank you, so glad it's helpful!!!
• Mar '24
Thank you !
• Mar '24
you're welcome, so glad you found it!
• Mar '24
Do you have actual link to the template you posted?
• May '24
This is incredible! Love it so much, . I've seen people sell using Google docs before, but this template is da 💣! Thanks for sharing!
• Aug '24
I’m a very visual person and love a well designed sales page. With that said, I have sold from Google docs in the past and the conversion rates have been really good!! It’s a pattern disrupt for people and I think it feels less salesy/intimidating. I appreciate your outline here! It’s very simple and well laid out. I’ll definitely be using this in the future. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! 😍 This could also be repurposed into social media content (I see a lot of IG post copy right there) 🔥
• Aug '24
yes! I can see that too!
• Aug '24
Value bomb for sure! Thank you!
• Aug '24
Ohhh this is AMAZING! Thank you for sharing this
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Sean Mize
Sales Letter Outline for Print Google Doc
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