How to Price Your Skool Group 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
I’ve been asked a lot in the past 2 weeks about pricing strategies, so I thought I’d lay out my thoughts here. I believe there are 3 basic pricing model categories, which I’ll lay out quickly, then I’ll spend some time on paid pricing “how much to charge” thoughts: 1) 👉 A free Skool group only: This would be a use case where you are using the easy usability and friendly engagement model in Skool to build an audience of members to whom you can later release your paid training, coaching, or even build a worldwide influencer audience. 2) 👉 A free Skool group + a paid Skool group: This would be a use case where you use a free Skool group to build a free easy-to-enroll audience base with the intention of leading them to your paid version of your membership or coaching. 3) 👉 A paid Skool group only: This is a use case where you simply use Skool as the delivery mechanism for your paid training, and you choose to market in such a way that you bypass a free audience buildup, or in many cases as we are seeing, you already have a big free following on facebook, IG, linkedin, etc - so you don’t need another free audience. You see, the key reason for any free audience, on Skool, or on facebook, IG, linkedin, discord, etc, is to build trust and relationship so that you can monetize later or immediately in a paid membership or coaching. If you already have that audience for free, why duplicate that (unless you are MOVING your audience from fb/IG/Li, etc., which many big influencers are doing) Now for the pricing strategy for paid groups: 🚀🚀🚀 There are 3 basic categories for this. 🚀🚀🚀 None is “best” or “right” for everyone. You get to choose your strategy. If you are a beginner with 0 audience and credibility, you start on the low end of the curve 😀 If you already have an engaged audience and perhaps other programs, enter the curve at a higher level. 🚀🚀🚀 Low priced strategy, for example $8/month 🚀🚀🚀 👉 This is where you essentially want to build a big audience, but you want to filter for intent and ability to pay (requiring even $1 eliminates 50% of more of freebie seekers or people who don’t have access to money to pay for anything)