[ Qritique ] here's my first email copy, please be harsh guys.
Escape the rat race Now… or stay a Slave forever…
This is the difference between being in the rat race and escaping it:
This is Hamza Ahmed a famous YouTuber and businessman, with more than 2
Million subs and 2 Million $, and now he makes more than 200k $ every single
Month, and here’s the proof:
Despite his huge YouTube channel, from his Skool community alone he makes
more than 129,000$.
With more than 1k members in his community and 129$ low price that’s 129k/mo
Every F month.
But was it always like this for him?
Of course not, he was an average kid wth an addictive personality, playing video
games and seaking instant pleasure as you saw in the first pic on the left;
That was until.. He discovered self improvement and escaped the rat race and
that’s him again in the right pic.
Now if you want to escape the rat race and do something meaningfull with your
life, here’s the top 3 steps to take right now:
  1.  Acknowledge your purpose:
You need a strong (why) that keeps you accountable, in order to live a good life
you need to work towards a clear vision, here’s the 4 questions you need to ask
yourself to open your eyes and clear that vision:
  1. What would you do if you’re fearless and you couldn’t fail?
  1. What will you be most proud of a year from now?
  1. What are the 3 things you need to stop?
  1. What advice would you give someone in your situation?
  1. Write your SMART Goal:
It wouldn’t take you long to write your plan if you have a clear goal, but you still
miss the SMART part, you see … knowing your goal won’t take anywhere without
a solid plan, and I’ll show you how to set one, but first what is a SMART Goal?
S for specific, M for measurable, A for achievable, R for relevant and
most importantly T for time-bound.
Here’s a stupid goal: I want to lose fat.
Here’s a SMART goal: I will lose 10 pounds of fat in 8 weeks to fit in my suit.
After that you can set your plan easily having a SMART goal to achieve.
  1. Work towards your goal every day:
If having a goal won’t take you anywhere without a plan, planning will take you
nowhere without action, so in this step you need to follow your plan to a T.
Just work every day towards your goal and we’ll meet in the finish line.
"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." – Robert Collier
But there’s still one problem:
Following these steps would benefit you for sure but your road to succes might
be lonely and overwelming.
But don’t worry, I got you.
Here is your Ultimate self improvement community for FREE with over than
143.9k Members, making it the biggest self improvement community that ever existed;
You can start learning about the community here.
And thore are not just random NPC’s, those are man like yourself aspiring to do great things with life.
Hope for the best, your boy Nani
Mohamed Nani
[ Qritique ] here's my first email copy, please be harsh guys.
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