Jun 27 (edited) in Knowledge Base
No More Guessing if Something Is Interesting or Not!
Lately I've been thinking that the word "interest" might be a bit vague and overused. Today I did something about that.
Now, when you're addressing your content or copy, you can tell exactly what is "interesting" and what isn't, using this first principles definition:
Interest is a snap calculation made in response to a given stimulus that directs a decision and behavior towards or away from that stimulus.
The calculation MAINLY integrates:
An Emotional affect, Cognitive Associations, Mental Models, Memory, and Motivation (Reward Potential).
And follows the above flow: Sensory Stimulus, Made Aware, Processed & Categorized (based on the above criteria), To Form a Decision, and produce a behavior.
I openly admit that I'm missing a few considerations if we really want to dig deep. But as for a deeper, working definition, I know I can definitely use this, and hope someone else finds value in it.
This has been added to the Knowledge Base as well!
What should we do next?
Jonny Ross
No More Guessing if Something Is Interesting or Not!
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