True leadership to me comes down to two main things:
(1) The leader shows up first, and does the work, even when others fail to show up.
(2) The leader elevates others in the community to leadership positions. They don't attain power for themselves, they use their power to elevate those they lead.
There are other important qualities of good leaders, but those two are the most important in my opinion.
The world needs more great leaders, and that's why I'm excited to serve and create great leaders within the Skool Community. The only social media platform really focused on creating new leaders...
!!! You hit the nail right on the head! Leaders LEAD! That means they go first and clear the path for the others. It means they SERVE! In the words of Simon Sinek: leaders eat last! 😎
- he's a genius at sales and marketing strategy and he will build a powerful community here on Skool that quickly establishes itself as one of the best in the high ticket industry!
. He's one of the most ambitious and visionary people that I've met online. The two of you will love eachother. Kian works with the top 1% of people in sales, so I know you'll love connecting with him!
Based on my theory. We expand our capacity to SERVE by first SERVING OURSELVES / EMPOWERING ourselves to be the BEST VERSION of our self. So that we instil CONFIDENCE and TRUST in ourself that can reflect back from our followers. Who would follow a leader that wasn't confident in their ability to lead? That means we must TRUST ourselves to build i in others. Then they in trun can build it in themselves. thoughts?
Really excellent points! Do you think people who aren't confident would even try to lead? Or are there different levels of confidence? (Thinking of myself - 🤣) I've always been a leader, so maybe it also is a question of is one an EFFECTIVE leader?
One of my favorite leaders who really exemplied what you wrote is Joan of Arc. I feel she and I are kindred souls. (I wrote about her in one of the international best-selling books I contributed to - Revolutionary Leaders.)
it is interesting you wrote about leadership and of course, used the male pronoun for ease, when today I did a post in here about the freaking awesome FEMALE leaders we have in the Skool Community!
"Leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less." - John Maxwell
It's not about titles, positions, or formal authority. True leadership comes from a person's ability to influence others. This influence can be positive or negative, and it can occur at any level of an organization or in any area of life.
True leadership to me is being able to positively influence and impact those around you. It doesn't need to be something that is said or done, but people will subconsciously follow those who lead by a good example
that's interesting. Wouldn't it be even more powerful to build an empire where you were able to Nourish yourself with an overflow onto the tribe so that you always remain strong? Just a reflection.
Dude I have thought about this a fair bit recently as I am listening to Steve Jobs on Audible!
He is an example of a leader who: had little talent compared to the people in his circle, had horrible people skills, and was rude and arrogant. ( A theme that appears time and time again in the book)
What did he have that made him a strong leader then?
An unruly vision!
This I think has to be one of the core ingredients in a leader. The vision. A commitment to a better more exciting future that comes out of your pores!
INNOVATION - VISION - yes......the LEADER is thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX and leading you through un-chartered waters......him being rude and arrogant was probably OUTWEIGHED by his INNOVATION. People want to follow people who BREAK THE RULES. If you study Russel Brunson's book - EXPERT SECRETS he references MASS MOVEMENTS and how they are formed - dark and light. Hitler was a powerful leader that created CONVICTION and DEDICATION in his followers - the VISION may have been horrific but it was INNOVATIVE / NEW and somehow aligned with the groups desires......I guess that's why LEADERSHIP carries so much RESPONSIBILITY - if you have enough INFLUENCE through the power of your INNOVATION and WORDS to create followers - it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to maintain the FREQUENCY of the VISION and ensure it continues to align with POSITIVE CHANGE - if that is what you are here to create.
I currently live in a forest, off-grid. Building a regenerative living center to teach people how to own their vital resources. Grow food, catch and filter rainwater, and produce and store your own energy.
It is incredibly hard right now since we are bootstrapping but I’m confident that my experience and knowledge running a Skool community will be the perfect funding strategy for my operation.
Cheers to the leaders that don’t settle. They take what they don’t like in the world and transform it into things they cherish.
EPIC - LEADERS GO FIRST - YOU are setting the example bro -SPEAK WITH PASSION and CONVICTION about your VISION and you will magnetise an ARMY of dedicated supporters - I am CERTAIN of it.
Leadership for me is not controlling the conversation, but being willing to be the first one to speak, even is no one replies. And then do it again and again until the conversation takes a life of its own. Then you keep it from going haywire while nurturing the positive elements.
True leadership to me is doing the things that others may not. If you have a question, ask it. If you really want something, and even if no one else is doing it. Go for it!
YES - DO the things OTHERS may not - get your fucking hands dirty for the collective.....I love it. I totally resonate. I have PUSHED my way into each NEXT LEVEL of clients and peers by being willing to LOOK LIKE A NOOBY and learn and keep knocking til I learn enough to earn respect - the ONE thing that for me creates AFFINITY and ADMIRATION from high level people is HAVING BALLS to consistently learn and implement until the NEXT LEVEL is reached. That's also the type of CLIENTS I attract now too. They dig in and implement and level up and come back for more. Then - it's a pleasure to lead them. And the fat get's chopped regularly.
Another thing about this post is that true leadership, especially in service, resonates deeply with high-ticket clients who want to follow a path of integrity and purpose.
You lead by example and you speak the language of your team. Sometimes it is hard to communicate the message the right way and it takes patience to achieve it. But once achieved ain’t nothing going to stop the tsunami of the team.
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