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Quantum Leadership Community

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Join conscious leaders committed to heart-centered leadership, personal empowerment, and creating impact through authentic growth and compassion.


Women Helping Women Mastermind

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High Vibe Tribe

Private • 48k • Free

Skool Masterclass (Free)

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The Spiritual Business Owners

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FTP Community

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Super Skool

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Skool Community

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Thriving Wellness After 40!

Private • 29 • Free

Community Builders - Free

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106 contributions to Skool Community
I'm going for Goat! 🐐🔥
UPDATE: Only about 500 points to go as of Wednesday night! 🤩🤩 Happy Monday, all! Today is my anniversary in Skool Community! Woo-hoo! 🎉🥳❤️‍🔥 30 days ago I joined this community not knowing what to expect. I'm SOOOO blown away by the freaking awesome people in here! I've interacted with so many of you and am so grateful for the love and support of so many. THANK YOU! 💜👊🏼 NOW - after getting my flame last week, I am going to make an intentional effort to get my Goat designation by 9/30. (I know - that's 2 weeks away, but I MUST have a life outside of Skool! Anyone relate?! 🤣) I've got around 1100 points to go! And when I get to Goat level, I'll know that I've made even MORE wonderful connections in here, and hopefully, added value and shared some sunshine along the way! I'm so grateful for @Brian Campbell who brought me over here! 🔥And grateful for SKOOL!!! I'd LOVE your support! And if you're a GOAT or are going for GOAT, drop me your fav Goat gif below!!! Let's support everyone's Goat Journey! Have a fantabulous day! 💫 PS - A Cookie Monster AND Goat gif! Be still my heart! ❤️‍🔥😍🤣
New comment 1m ago
I'm going for Goat! 🐐🔥
1 like • 5m
@Brian Campbell OOH, that would be magnificent surprise! Knowing me, I'll wake up every hour and check. 🤣 (I passed you up on the leaderboard! 🤣 But now I'm moving you back up! 💓)
0 likes • 1m
@Brian Campbell 🤣
Community isn't just about you!
Howdy, everyone! 😍 One thing I have not seen people talking much about is networking in its truest form here on Skool. I built and sold a 6-figure bookkeeping company primarily through referrals from my weekly networking group for about 7 years. The motto was about giving AND receiving. ❤️‍🔥 We met with other members to learn about THEIR businesses so that we could also help THEM get clients. The other members were my sales force. When people I knew said they needed help with something, I nearly always could say, 'Oh, I know a guy/gal!" My kids thought that was hilarious when we'd go out in public and I'd see people I knew. "Mom, you know EVERYBODY!" 🤣 I'd love to see more of that happening in here as we're all here to grow our Skool communities. Without self-promoting as that's not the point of THIS group, what if there were more conversations in the comments asking about what we each do and what kind of Skool group member we're looking for? I started doing that, and I'll be keeping a spreadsheet of the connections. Ever watch the Tour de France and how they draft off each other in the pelaton - even if they're on different teams? We're more powerful and grow faster when we're working together. Would that be against the rules in here?? Or maybe there is already a free group for this idea sponsored by Skool? Food for thought! Have a fabulous rest of the weekend! 🎉💫🔥
New comment 7m ago
Community isn't just about you!
2 likes • 1h
@Brian Campbell YES totally! I perceived it!! 💓
2 likes • 1h
@Brian Campbell YES, I was wondering the significance! 🤣
First day of Skool
Hi! I'm Theresa. Just joined Skool because @Brian Campbell recommended it. I'm here to meet high-ticket coaches and experts. Say "hi" and/or tag any coaches you know here.
New comment 5m ago
First day of Skool
1 like • 2h
@Theresa Lang Yes, this is an entirely different vibe and will attract very different people. It's all a Divine orchestration! And thank you!
0 likes • 1h
@Theresa Lang Indeed!! A whole other clientele!
Skool Community Members are the Future LEADERS of the ENTIRE INTERNET!
I'm not sure if everyone in this community REALIZES how fortunate, lucky, and blessed we are to be part of this community. SKOOL is the ONLY platform that's designed for community leaders to flourish as it's main intention. There's also pure organic reach (no ads). In case you haven't realized... This is the ONLY Platform where you can join a community (Skool Community) that's Created by the Platform to form connections and relationships with the LEADERS on the Platform! Everyone in here is forming their own Communities and followings... And Right Now, we're still the early adopters of this platform, because I believe we are going to grow 100X or more in the next 2 years, simply because there isn't an alternative as beneficial on the Internet as this, the word is spreading and will continue to spread... So, you're here right now with the FUTURE LEADERS of the INTERNET. Imagine where we'll all be 5 years from now. I haven't seen anything like this in my last 25 years as an online marketer. Only Facebook in 2007 looked like this...and Skool is even a better opportunity because there's a more sophisticated online leader & consumer in 2024 than there was in 2007. The world NEEDS better leaders. And this is the Community where they are being raised up for the next generation of the Internet. Have you realized this yet? Let us know below how excited and grateful you are to be here...and TAG the person that's made the BIGGEST IMPACT on you so far in this community as a way of saying thanks!
New comment 1h ago
1 like • 2h
@Theresa Lang Ooh! MUST. GET. ENERGIZED.
0 likes • 1h
@Theresa Lang HAHAHA! RIGHT?! I'm excited for all of us to get to GOAT and take over the internet! 🤣
I have FIRE!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I was so excited last night to see I got my flame!! While it feels like an awesome reward, the bigger prize is all of the AWESOME people I've met the last 40 days or so who have been so helpful and encouraging and inspiring in this community and others. ❤️‍🔥 (This is not an invitation to dm me asking me how I'm doing though. I'm happily married.🤣) How does it get any better than this?! What else is possible?! Woo-hoo! 🎉🥳💃🏼💫 Who else is on track to get their flame?! 🔥🔥🔥
New comment 1h ago
I have FIRE!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
2 likes • 5h
@Daren Dingwall It's just 10 actions a day for 30 days!!! Doesn't take too much time as long as you're making comments and interacting! 🔥It's fun! And I've met soooo many cool people who are doing awesome things for the world! 🌞
1 like • 2h
@Theresa Lang Yesss! There's a synchronicity to that!! 😁🤩
1-10 of 106
Chanin Zellner
248points to level up
Quantum Shift Guide for female leaders who are tired of being overlooked and want to feel more empowered, confident, independent, and vibrant. 🤩🥰

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Joined Aug 16, 2024
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