3d ago (edited) in Something fun!
I'm going for Goat! 🐐🔥
UPDATE: Only about 500 points to go as of Wednesday night! 🤩🤩
Happy Monday, all! Today is my anniversary in Skool Community! Woo-hoo! 🎉🥳❤️‍🔥
30 days ago I joined this community not knowing what to expect.
I'm SOOOO blown away by the freaking awesome people in here! I've interacted with so many of you and am so grateful for the love and support of so many. THANK YOU! 💜👊🏼
NOW - after getting my flame last week, I am going to make an intentional effort to get my Goat designation by 9/30. (I know - that's 2 weeks away, but I MUST have a life outside of Skool! Anyone relate?! 🤣)
I've got around 1100 points to go! And when I get to Goat level, I'll know that I've made even MORE wonderful connections in here, and hopefully, added value and shared some sunshine along the way!
I'm so grateful for who brought me over here! 🔥And grateful for SKOOL!!!
I'd LOVE your support! And if you're a GOAT or are going for GOAT, drop me your fav Goat gif below!!!
Let's support everyone's Goat Journey! Have a fantabulous day! 💫
PS - A Cookie Monster AND Goat gif! Be still my heart! ❤️‍🔥😍🤣
Chanin Zellner
I'm going for Goat! 🐐🔥
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