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Owned by Nick

Traffic & Conversions

Private β€’ 35 β€’ $999/m

$50k Mastermind meets done-with-you marketing service. This is the place you come to solve all your traffic and conversion problems in record time πŸš€


The Skool Games

Private β€’ 20k β€’ Free

Skool Community

Public β€’ 148.3k β€’ Paid

The Family

Private β€’ 65 β€’ $999/m

Skool for Top 1% Sales

Private β€’ 23 β€’ $999/m (FREE)

Public β€’ 6.5k β€’ Free


Private β€’ 6.8k β€’ Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Private β€’ 13.1k β€’ Free

full skool university

Public β€’ 31 β€’ Free

full skool setup

Private β€’ 5 β€’ $125/m

244 contributions to Skool Community
Skool Schedule
πŸ’‘ How do you prefer to structure your Skool schedule? Do you like having:❓ 1. πŸ‘‰Daily check-ins to keep everyone on track? 2. πŸ‘‰Weekly live sessions for deeper learning and engagement? 3. πŸ‘‰Monthly challenges to boost interaction and reward progress? 🟣 What’s worked best for you in creating a Skool community that stays active and engaged?
New comment 7h ago
Skool Schedule
1 like β€’ 7h
@Brandon Johnson - daily check ins - cohort + 1:1 - weekly group mastermind call - Q&A + tailored to individuals - weekly deep dive masterclass - topic the cohort selects they want for the week
1 like β€’ 7h
@Brandon Johnson - typically the MM has higher attendance as it's very involved - the masterclass is more tutorial - so people catch the recording
100% Engagement?!?! 🀯
@Christine Szinner has a genius strategy for 100% engagement in her community from Day 1. And she's too humble to brag on herself, so I'll do it! Anyone just starting their group should try this if they want to grow fast. Her group is just 9 days old. It started showing in Discovery on Day 2, ranking in the 7,000s. Today, the rank is 1429. The reason? 100% engagement! Here's how she does it. πŸ‘‡ She welcomes every new member by tagging them in their own post (not just in the comments of a Welcome post). She also takes a minute to look at their profile and learn about them so she can give them a proper introduction. This gets the new member to comment and engage right away, and the post itself attracts lots of comments. It sets the tone for the community and instantly makes people feel at home and welcome. She also has some other cool things she is doing to increase engagement, but I had to share this one. What do you think? If you are starting your group, will you try it?
New comment 18m ago
1 like β€’ 8h
@Roey Naim remove the "i think" from that last sentence πŸ”₯
How 7-Figure Marketers, Market
one of my members asked a great question earlier today on our mastermind call they wanted to better understand "marketing" my response forced them to have one of those "aha" moments the πŸ’‘ went on ... ... and something clicked for them you could see they finally grasped it and it was perfect timing as right when it did, you heard the "cha-ching" in their background of a sale being made their shift was so powerful, I wanted to share the same lesson with you so, here goes πŸ‘‡ first, we need to think about marketing in a skool specific context that means there are only two things we're trying to do: 1. get people to our about page 2. get people inside our community the objective is to get more of both - agreed? this is where most people then start to separate things ... - ads - social - DMs - emails - VSL - bullets ... and they break it down even more into specific platforms, specific kinds of content, etc I don't why? because it's the change I observed and learned from 7- and 8-figure companies see, marketing is actually about layering different growth tactics on top of one another it's an ecosystem yes, you want to choose ONE CHANNEL ... ... but then you want to LAYER as many different things on top of one another on that channel with each layer comes a compounding in results what does this look like? let's walk through and advertising example ____________________ you've got a community about "monk mode" and it's built by design for young male entrepreneurs and college students you've got a 5k following on IG and have done what you can to get a segment of them across to skool now, you want to pour gasoline on the fire you COULD just run ads and direct traffic straight to skool that'd work but what would work BETTER is LAYERING growth tactics on top of one another - one campaign retargeting everyone who has engaged with your IG page in the last 60 days ... they see your top 3 pieces of content on monk mode - one campaign retargeting everyone who has engaged with your IG page in the last 60 days ... they're driven to a simple landing page where they "opt in" for you 7 day monk mode starter kit
New comment 6h ago
How 7-Figure Marketers, Market
1 like β€’ 9h
@Roey Naim BEST people 😍 what's the group?
1 like β€’ 9h
@Roey Naim VERY cool. Will dig into the IG. thank you
What's that one feature Skool urgently needs?
If you could magically add one feature what would it be?
New comment 7h ago
What's that one feature Skool urgently needs?
2 likes β€’ 9h
@Diego Roshardt audio + video messaging &/or a headline on about pages
The Skool AD Vortex...Is Your Meta Pixel Insalled?
I realized something cool today. About a month ago I checked @Evelyn Weiss 's Skool group, just to see who she was, because she was fairly visible in Skool Community, and we serve a similar audience. I've been seeing her Facebook retargeting ADs ever since! I've had the pixel on my about pages for the last 4 weeks now, and my retargeting audiences for my Facebook ADs from my Skool Groups are up to 1,900 already. Who here has there meta pixel installed on their about page? Even if you plan to run ads later. Set it up now.
New comment 2h ago
The Skool AD Vortex...Is Your Meta Pixel Insalled?
0 likes β€’ 13h
@Brian Campbell this is the pro move. Omnipresence is the goal. @Evelyn Weiss is the skool 🐐 for this
1-10 of 244
Nick Maier
396points to level up
First-Class Copywriter & Advertiser. $500M+ client revenue. Building Traffic & Conversions πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Active 26m ago
Joined Aug 13, 2024
Newcastle, Australia
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