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BetaBuilders Free

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Your guide to start and grow an online business to $5,000/mo or more. Working together to achieve your goals in a focused, supportive community!


Skool Community

Public • 148.4k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 20.1k • Free

The Family

Private • 65 • $999/m

High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Private • 13.1k • Free

182 contributions to Skool Community
Skool Schedule
💡 How do you prefer to structure your Skool schedule? Do you like having:❓ 1. 👉Daily check-ins to keep everyone on track? 2. 👉Weekly live sessions for deeper learning and engagement? 3. 👉Monthly challenges to boost interaction and reward progress? 🟣 What’s worked best for you in creating a Skool community that stays active and engaged?
New comment 9h ago
Skool Schedule
2 likes • 9h
@Israel Ortiz
2 likes • 9h
@Nick Maier I love the way you have it written out. Is there one that works better for you? Do you have one where more people attend?
anyone else have this "person" in their community?
for weeks i've been deleting them daily....
New comment 2h ago
anyone else have this "person" in their community?
7 likes • 1d
"LET ME TURN YOUR $150 INTO $2500 IN 30 DAYS OR LESS". Everyday! I feel bad for them sometimes.
4 likes • 1d
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe to good to be true
$121,555 in 25 Days On Skool (Using Experience Not Tricks)
If you follow the advice of a lot of Skool gurus, they will have you focus on: - Creating funnels - Testing headlines - Copy that converts - "No brainer" offers - A website - Cold email - Chat bots - YouTube - ...insert more tasks here The list goes on and on. What don't they tell you? non of it matters without experience or audience insight. Only experience that is APPLIED to help your niche succeed will really move the needle. The bad news? Well experience takes time, you CAN'T skip this. No coach can give you a piece of advice to get around this. (that means maybe you won't be rich in 30 days) If you focus too much on that long list above—you'll never get the experience you need to really make an impact on people. You need to go deep on something. If you focus too much on that long list above—you'll get clients but then you will lose them. More time should be spent on gaining the experience to really help people. I could write a bunch of post and videos on how I did this in 30 days (and I have). But if I'm being honest my success is due to 35 years of working with technology. I've helped hundred of founders and businesses successfully use technology in their business. I was on the internet 5 years before most had heard of it. I was luck to have the internet in the early 90s. And long before that I used BBS's, where you'd call local computers and exchange information computer to computer. I'm not saying you need 35 years to crush it, but you do need that experience. And if you don't have broad experience, which takes a lot of time, you need NICHE experience that people care about, now. Even if you're just starting out, you can get the experience you need to make good money, but you will need to focus and go deep enough on a skill (that matters to people) that can make a difference. I do think its possible to launch a business very fast and gain the niche experience you need very quickly. BUT, to do that you will need a deep understanding of your audience, the problems, so you can focus just on the experience you need to move quickly.
New comment 3h ago
3 likes • 1d
What do you do when you fuck up?
👇🏻 What happens when you realize that you messed up something for your community? Story time. This morning was chaotic, as you maybe could imagine having 7 kiddos, animals to take care of, and juggling biz stuff 🤪 I knew I had a group call for my free space today, and knew I had an alarm set so wasn’t worried. There had been a post made from a Lovely in my group chatting about how amazing the last one was and why it was important to make the calls etc, and more peeps were interested in hopping on! The alarm goes off and I go double check cause I moved the time a few weeks ago to help make it a better fit. I get to the group and I see the red LIVE button flashing at the top of my group space, immediately was horrified, felt the guilt creep in, and was like well, fuck. I was a half hour late. I had the thought to just make up some excuse, how could I join after all the hype, what if peeps were upset, cause they set aside time to join today, and now I had royally fucked up 🤦🏻‍♀️ But, I decided nope, let’s fucking do this. I made the post apologizing for my fuck up, and hopped on. Peeps started trickling in, and I told them what had happened, and we got down to business. It was one of the most amazing calls… peeps shared and got action steps from me and others on the call, we chatted through various things, and probably packed in more than we could’ve thought in that 30-40min. Takeaway? Do the fucking thing… even if it’s messy, even if some shit has gone down, even if it doesn’t feel perfect. Ditch the damn mindfuckery, and do the damn thing, it will be worth it, I promise. Everything happens for a reason, just as it’s supposed to, when it’s supposed to. 👇🏻 If you have a time where you felt like you fucked up and then it all turned out differently than you thought, please share!
New comment 1h ago
What do you do when you fuck up?
4 likes • 1d
That is pretty awesome! Just do it! People care what you provide not when you provide it.
😱 Season Of Madness: Win 4x Cybertrucks + Exciting Updates
To make the rest of 2024 exciting, we're giving away 4x Cybertruck's or $400k cash. We're releasing new features that change the way you can monetize... New training sharing the best things we've learned from 8x skool games... And new ways to compete in the skool games. We're calling it "The Season of Madness" — an insane way to finish 2024. Join us for LIVE launch on Tuesday, September 17th @ 10am Pacific. Register now to save your seat. This is the biggest event we've done in Skool's history. Somebody made a trailer for the upcoming event... Check it out.
New comment 3h ago
😱 Season Of Madness: Win 4x Cybertrucks + Exciting Updates
5 likes • 14d
Does it fit 6 kids? 😆
1 like • 1d
@Allee Johnson
1-10 of 182
Brandon Johnson
1,181points to level up
Entrepreneur, startup enthusiast, husband, and father of SIX. Passionate about growing businesses and family life. Let's go, GAME ON!

Active 10m ago
Joined Feb 27, 2024
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