One step at a time = Skool Progress, Challenges, + What’s Next...
Hey, epic humans! (warning I might get a bit soppy)
You may or may not know, but I’ve been showing up consistently here for the last 14 days, and I want to start with a MASSIVE shoutout—you guys are FIRE! 🔥
I’ve made so many amazing connections, and I can honestly say that this community has brought a new level of joy and energy back into my heart and soul. 💖
Now, let me keep it real with you...
Yes, I’ve been giving value. Yes, I’ve been visible. Yes, I’ve made EPIC connections. Yes, I’m growing my community one step at a time. And yes, I’m learning a TON along the way.
BUT, and this is important—I’ve still got plenty on my get-to-do list, and finding time for it all is proving to be a bit of a juggle.
I’ve done my VSL (finally, right?), but I still want to add more to my About page.
I’ve only got ONE upsell in the classroom (which I’ve sold, but hey—it’s a start).
And here’s the kicker—I haven’t even set up my Start Here section yet. 🤦‍♀️
Next up: adding more to my calendar because there’s SO MUCH more I want to share.
So here’s my point—I’m taking it one step at a time.
It’s a work in progress, and that’s okay.
Now, let’s talk about something I heard recently—someone said, “Getting likes on posts doesn’t lead to anything.”
And you know what?
They’re right.
Likes don’t mean sh*t.
It’s not about the likes.
It’s about getting visible for the RIGHT reasons.
It’s about showing up with REAL value, for REAL people, and contributing for the RIGHT reasons. 🙌
talked about being a top contributor, in the evolution of Skool, to fricken right…
Show up and contribute with heart, that's what I am about!
Give support, lift each other up, and empower your fellow community members.
Be humble. Be open. Be real. Be raw. Be a f*cking badass.
And I'm here also for the banter, the fun, and the epic connections. Thanks so much. You all know who you are!!! (to name a few)
That’s what it’s all about. 💥
And with that said… I’ve got other sh*t to do.
So, I’m off for now, but keep being AMAZING. You’ve got this!
Mimi Ramsey
One step at a time = Skool Progress, Challenges, + What’s Next...
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