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Owned by Mimi

Unstoppable Business Community

Private • 47 • $1/m

🔥 UNSTOPPABLES ONLY 🔥 Where Community = Conversation = Connection = Clients = CHA-CHING 💥 $1 = Your Best Investment Yet! 👊💰


Private • 36 • $27/m

Magnetise your MESSAGE, MONEY + MISSION with MYM where heart-led businesses Stand Out with Magnetic messaging + Badass visibility. Epic IMPACT awaits!


Skool Community

Public • 148.3k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 20k • Free

Serene Balance Society

Private • 12 • $1/m

Women Helping Women Mastermind

Private • 4.2k • Free

Selling Online / Prime Mover

Public • 8.3k • Free

Empowered Spirit Tribe

Private • 23 • $1/m

Skool for High Ticket Experts

Private • 155 • $100/m

Collaboration HQ

Private • 33 • $1/m

58 contributions to Skool Community
The Skool AD Vortex...Is Your Meta Pixel Insalled?
I realized something cool today. About a month ago I checked @Evelyn Weiss 's Skool group, just to see who she was, because she was fairly visible in Skool Community, and we serve a similar audience. I've been seeing her Facebook retargeting ADs ever since! I've had the pixel on my about pages for the last 4 weeks now, and my retargeting audiences for my Facebook ADs from my Skool Groups are up to 1,900 already. Who here has there meta pixel installed on their about page? Even if you plan to run ads later. Set it up now.
New comment 2h ago
The Skool AD Vortex...Is Your Meta Pixel Insalled?
2 likes • 16h
Im on it, my ads badass is on the case, as ads in coming soon, woopity woop, thanks for the hedds up!
0 likes • 16h
@Brian Campbell true true true, it been a whirlwind behind the scenes with the move, I know not a excuse, I will get it done by tomorrow, NOW i have been severely TOLD!!! 🤣
Your Personal Growth Fuels Community Growth
Growing a Skool community isn’t just about what you do—it’s about WHO you are becoming. If you want to lead a community that transforms the lives of its members, you must first transform YOURSELF. It starts with you pushing past your own limitations, both personally and professionally. Ask yourself: What stories have I been telling myself that are keeping me from stepping into this next level of leadership? What habits or beliefs are holding me back? Whether it’s fear of failure, perfectionism, or a reluctance to let go of control, this inner work is critical if you want to achieve something you’ve never had before. Sometimes the biggest growth comes not from a new strategy, but from a shift in MINDSET. When you embrace the idea that failure is part of the process, that stepping into discomfort is necessary for success, you become unstoppable. And when your community sees you modelling this courage, they’ll follow your lead. Are you GROWING to grow your community?
New comment 9h ago
Your Personal Growth Fuels Community Growth
2 likes • 17h
@Christine Szinner woop me too, eeek I am having a Skool free afternoon , have friends popping round, how will I cope lol
2 likes • 16h
@Christine Szinner woo thats so fcking awesome how will you celebrate, woop, got to level 7 in the games, here next no idea how far off. Have a awesome badass day!!!
How the Frick Do You Balance It All on Skool When You’re on Fire? 🔥 (Hint: You Block It)
Alright, let’s be real. The last 30 days on Skool have been crazy. Visibility? ✅ New followers? ✅ Notifications blowing up on the daily? ✅ Growing Communities? ✅ And while I LOVE seeing this community grow and those likes/comments stack up, it can get overwhelming FAST. So, how do I handle it? Balance, baby. Look, one size does NOT fit all, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this—blocking your time is a MUST. 🚨 This is my way of doing it, and I hope it sparks some ideas for you. And I’m breaking it down for you right now. 1. BLOCK YOUR TIME LIKE A BADASS. If you want to keep moving the needle in all areas of your business, you’ve gotta schedule and block out your time. Yeah, Skool is on fire, and I’m soaking it up, but if you don’t put structure in place, it’ll eat your time alive. YOU choose how long you spend on each area. It could be 15 minutes or 4 hours. Your rules, your game. 🎯 2. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SKOOL NOTIFICATIONS First thing in the morning, I jump into my Skool notifications. 🔔 I tick off all the “likes” to clear the noise (seriously, the other day I had 300+ notifications—wild af!). Here’s a tip: Pay attention to who’s liking your posts. These people are already connecting with you, so keep that momentum going. If they post, show them some love too. Law of reciprocity. What you give comes back. 🌟 Then, I respond to every comment—one by one. If someone needs deeper support, I go there. If it’s just an emoji? I might throw in a cheeky gif back. It all adds up to building real connections, and that’s where the magic happens. 3. SHOW UP FOR YOUR INNER CIRCLE Your community members? They’re the priority. They’ve invested in you, so invest back. Once the general notifications are cleared, I focus on my epic inner circle—the people who’ve already invested in my community and need next-level support. Write down where they need help, and give them that time. Your members come first. Always. 💯 4. ENGAGE WITH YOUR OUTER CIRCLE After handling your inner circle, it’s time to jump into your outer circle—people you follow and the communities you’re part of.
New comment 19h ago
How the Frick Do You Balance It All on Skool When You’re on Fire? 🔥 (Hint: You Block It)
1 like • 1d
@Sascha Delp hey thank you for your epic response, and great question, I also blockout spare time, so I always have room for adjustments when things happen, I used to color code the areas, I really should do that again, it was super helpful, how would you do this?
1 like • 19h
@Veronica Aguilar WOW i love this!!!
The importance of providing value
Providing value in business, in life and within your SKOOL community is crucial for long-term success and creating loyalty. Value creation goes beyond just offering a product or service; it involves solving problems, fulfilling needs, and exceeding expectations. When you focus on value, you build trust and foster strong relationships. This leads to positive word-of-mouth referrals, and a competitive edge. Nowadays people are more informed with a lot more accessibility, so consistently delivering value, and authenticity will set you apart and create strong bonds with your community members. 🔥🔥Here’s a random picture of me bbqing on the beach 🏖️🍖 🔥
New comment 8h ago
The importance of providing value
2 likes • 22h
@Life Coach Rob i 100% back everything you say - BOOM!!!
1 like • 22h
@Life Coach Rob right back at ya!
Struggling with What to Write About in Skool? Let’s Change That RIGHT NOW (Hint: We Have More in Common Than You Think!)
We've all had those moments where we’re like, “I can’t,” or “I don’t know what to say.” I hear this ALL the time, and trust me, I've been there too. You know what I’m talking about: “I’m not good at writing.” “I don’t know what to write about.” “I’ve got nothing to say.” “Nobody’s interested in what I have to share.” Sound familiar? Thought so. Honestly, I TOTALLY get you. But before you bury yourself in those thoughts, I need you to stay with me for a sec. There’s something missing that you probably haven’t realized yet... or maybe you have, but let me tell you, there’s something we ALL have in common. Ready for it? 1 - We are ALL here in SKOOL 2 - because we have something to share. 3 - We’re here to create kickass communities, to make an IMPACT, and to grow. And even though we may be at different stages, 4 - we ALL have the drive and the passion to make real change. The truth? We’ve all been through the ups and downs. We’ve all had days where we’re on fire and can’t wait to show up, and we’ve all had days where everything feels hard—tech goes wrong, ideas don’t flow, and we’re just stuck AF. Sound familiar? Thought so. And let me tell you a little secret: I wasn’t born a writer either. Nope, I got better at writing by showing up and doing it every damn day. It’s ALL in the action, my friends. Shhh… I’m also not that great at speaking to people in person, by the way. 😅 #eeek Seriously, much better here behind the screen. See? We all have our things. Here’s the thing—you don’t need to be perfect, polished, or a natural-born writer to show up and share. You just need to speak your truth, and guess what? That’s enough. We all have so much in common, and those little “I’m not good enough” gremlins need to sit the fck down, because your journey matters. So what should you talk about? Let me keep it real simple: 1️⃣ Your journey. What’s it like building your community on Skool? What’s working? What’s frustrating you right now? What’s something you learned today that you didn’t know yesterday? Share that sh*t.
New comment 8h ago
Struggling with What to Write About in Skool? Let’s Change That RIGHT NOW (Hint: We Have More in Common Than You Think!)
1-10 of 58
Mimi Ramsey
1,047points to level up
Visibility, Messaging, + Marketing Expert for badass businesses 💥 Sarcasm + Success Included. DM to become a SKOOL UNSTOPPABLE $1 = HUGE IMPACT 👊

Active 9h ago
Joined Aug 19, 2024
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