Jul 24 in Other
Never be boring in your Skool copy again
How many words are in your Skool community? (skip to the bottom for the sauce)
Think about your:
About Page
Skool Posts
Course thumbnails
Youtube titles
Okay you get it...
When I first started copywriting, I felt like I was navigating a laser maze with a blindfold.
Everything I wrote took FOREVER....I had to follow a template, double check everything, get brutal feedback, and rlly refine each piece I did.
It felt so unnatural. Until it didn't....
Now, I can come up with killer headlines on a whim.
Because it becomes second nature.
So the more you write and read copy, the more it becomes a part of your DNA.
You'll think of headlines, YouTube titles, ad scripts, all on the fly.
And 99% of advertising relies on words.
Want the real SAUCE though? 🥫
⭐ Whatever piece of copy you're writing here are the secrets:
⭐ Start w/a promise people want
⭐ Show them it works (credibility)
⭐ Overcome objections (social proof)
⭐ Fuel some urgency
⭐ End with a call to action.
And while trends change, persuasion has abided by the same laws since the beginning of time 🤓
So go create some word magic!
Patrice Moore
Never be boring in your Skool copy again
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