I introduced a group challenge modeled after the Rainbow Games in Captivate Free with and after listening to their conversation with and engagement has skyrocketed! I almost can't keep up! The main idea of my group is to provide peer - to peer community support and accountability for individuals learning how to support their nervous system so this is going to bring that to life in a major way, I'm so excited! Here's how I did it:
- used Gemini to come up with a clever framework (teams are named after mythical creatures and it is called the Rooted Legends Summer Challenge
- made a post about it
- reached out to a few active members by DM and asked them if they'd be willing to be captains
- reached out to every community member individually by DM and invited them to participate and answered questions
- set up clear expectations for captains (once a week check in with their team via Skool or Whatsapp and make a post about team progress once a week) and crew members (track 3 items daily) and gave access to daily tracking sheets (google sheets)
- organized groups making sure to have a good mix of personalities
- announced groups in a post
- made a separate post for each group so they could chat in the community but also made a post walking through how to set up whats app group if they wanted
I'm so excited, it's been super energizing so far!