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Skool Community

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The Skool Games

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Skinny Form 🌱

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Qigong Revolution

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235 contributions to Skool Community
Anyone using 1-time payments for weird stuff?
A group of Skool Games Winners walk into a mansion. They’re tired. They’re hungry. And they have a big problem. // “You got PayPal?” “Naw.” “What about Venmo?” “Never heard of it.” “Stripe?” “They banned my account.” (💀) “Bank transfer?” “Can’t accept international payments.” “Wait… why don’t we just use Skool?” 30 seconds later… ***Ca-chinggg*** // Curious to know if you’ve seen any weird and wonderful ways Skoolers are using 1-time payments? If so, drop them below 👇
New comment 2d ago
Anyone using 1-time payments for weird stuff?
@Matthew Thompson i'm honored
Organic vs Paid Growth ?
As someone totally new to creating a Skool community, yet highly experienced in direct marketing - I had a question.. I think others would have a similar question so I appreciate any insights from Skool Veterans 🙏 I heard Hormozi say that the platform itself drives sales like a marketplace, similar to Amazon With that being said, are many of you finding your communities grow organically simply because someone has stumbled upon your group when "Discovering Communities" ? If so, any idea how much growth you have got from that versus your direct response marketing? Iis it possible to track? Thank you for any insights 😃 Still learning, so apologies if this has been covered in depth before Peace, Paul
New comment 3d ago
@Eric Rodriguez thanks Eric
📈 5 Things I did to get to #33 in Discovery
Howdy, Beautiful Skool! I've been focusing on value and engagement. This will not work unless we provide INCREDIBLE value. Start there first. 👾 1) Lean HEAVILY into Gamification 👾 I built interesting unlocks at different levels that were adjacent to my core offer. I give away all of my automations and strategies at Level 1 but created new and beneficial value at different levels. 💎 2) Custom Profile Avatars 💎 When members reach Level 5 Trailblazer in my community, they unlock a custom avatar at each subsequent level. This is a visual (and frankly cool) status symbol to show off their learning in the community. 🥇 3) Focus on Level 1's 🥇 A Level 1 is like a fax machine in our AI world. We launched a 'No Fax Machine Left Behind' campaign to encourage participation. Currently, around 54% of our community is at Level 1. I'd like that to be less than 40%. You'll often find most of your churn comes from Level 1's who have never engaged. I can do another post on this if it's helpful. 📆 4) Leveled Calendar 📆 I added a recurring call in the calendar for Level 5's only. It's an awesome reward for those who are active in the community. Think about reinforcing your community system with multiple touchpoints. Engagement is 1,000 small actions, not 2 large ones. ⭐️ 5) Personality ⭐️ Your community shows up for YOU. I think the best groups are ones where the DNA of the creator is stitched into the community. My group is AI Automations + Jack Roberts, not just AI. Have FUN! Now go crush it! Love and Automation Jack 💙🤖 PS - Thank you to @Goose Dunlavey @Jeffrey Buoncristiano @Nav Pabla for taking the time to check-out my group and share some INCREDIBLE insights 💙 PSS - @Calvin Hollywood is a GENIUS. Learn as much as you can from him.
New comment 2d ago
📈 5 Things I did to get to #33 in Discovery
10 likes • 4d
yeah boi!
I quite caffeine cold turkey. Day 7 update.
Books mentioned: The Easy Way To Quit Caffeine Caffeine Blues P.S. Baristas are just morning time bartenders. P.P.S. Would you quit caffeine?
35 members have voted
New comment 4d ago
I quite caffeine cold turkey. Day 7 update.
@Nathan Field I’m quitting alcohol first. I started today
@Nathan Field I'm honored.
Podcaster Loses His Voice... (What Happens Next Will Shock You!)
PICTURE THIS... You fly to LA/Vegas for one week. Away from your wife. Away from your kids. With the sole purpose of recording podcasts with Skool Games Winners and Community Champions. You have 6 podcasts scheduled. You've paid for the studios. And everyone being interviewed is super excited. But on the way over you lose your voice. LIKE COMPLETELEY. You can't speak. You can't whisper. You can't do your job. What do you do? // CHAPTER 1: THE POWER OF COMMUNITY One of the things Skool has taught me is the power of crowdsourcing solutions via the community. So, we grabbed a whiteboard at Skool HQ and brainstormed solutions with @Nick Guadagnoli, @Daniel Bissonnette and @Kylee Irwin-Paz. "What if you cancelled and did them remotely?" "What if you whispered into the microphone?" "What if you held up your questions to people on a piece of paper?" And then it hits us... "What if you didn't do it alone?" // CHAPTER 2: BETTER TOGETHER In hindsight, the solution was simple: "Let's grab some of the amazing Skool Legends who just so happen to be in town for the Hormozi 1-Day to co-host interviews with you." The result is some of the coolest podcasts we've ever recorded. One's that are way better than if I did them myself, including combinations like: - @Kai Nemzer with @Daniel Bissonnette - @Max Perzon with @Wiktor Romanowicz - @Jennifer Gizzi with @Jeffrey Buoncristiano - @Farhoon Asim with @Goose Dunlavey - @Patrice Moore with @Nav Pabla - And an inspired last-minute* inspired episode with the full Captivate team all about retention with a special appearance from @Max Perzon (this episode was 🔥)
New comment 1d ago
Podcaster Loses His Voice... (What Happens Next Will Shock You!)
@Matthew Thompson yeah they hissed at You like a cat in a fight
@Matthew Thompson same my man! Much love and respect. Can’t wait till the next joke or conversation
1-10 of 235
Jeffrey Buoncristiano
5,325points to level up
Co-Creator @𝘾𝘼𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙑𝘼𝙏𝙀™ & Brand Master 🦜🍉🫐

Active 8m ago
Joined Jan 12, 2023
New Hampshire
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