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how do i remove drivers from a propertyGroup property in Python?
There is a driver_remove method Code: ``` import bpy cube = bpy.context.active_object cube.driver_remove("location") ```
how do i remove drivers from a propertyGroup property in Python?
AttributeError: 'GeometryNodeTree' object has no attribute 'inputs'
I read about an issue someone had about trying use the "inputs" attribute on GeometryNodeTree. Here I try to explain what is going on
AttributeError: 'GeometryNodeTree' object has no attribute 'inputs'
how to make code sleep?
I am trying to write a code that select openings and boundries on a face separetly, but firstly I want to see what I am selecting with code, so I tried ' time.sleep() ' which is freezes blender somehow, then I found this blender link, but ' ' solution is requires function that creates confusion and complexity, my main problem is I can't figure how to sleep my code in nested way, I need to select an edge then sleep some seconds to see, then deselect that edge and then sleep to see, then select next edge and then sleep to see and so on
New comment 5d ago
Do class name and label have to follow a specific format?
There was a question about the naming convention of operators. >>> @andrewlarking7492 For the class name and label, does it have to follow a specific format? Do we have to use the names of the operators we are calling? >>> The class name and label don’t have to follow a specific format, BUT it is highly recommended that you follow a naming convention: typically, Category_OT_OperatorName (e.g., MESH_OT_custom_operator). For the label, you can use any descriptive name, though it should be concise for better readability in the UI. When calling the operator, you do need to use its exact name with bpy.ops.category.operator_name(), as this acts as the “address” Blender uses to identify and execute your custom operator.
New comment 10d ago
Do class name and label have to follow a specific format?
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