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how do i remove drivers from a propertyGroup property in Python?
There is a driver_remove method Code: ``` import bpy cube = bpy.context.active_object cube.driver_remove("location") ```
how do i remove drivers from a propertyGroup property in Python?
My MIDI animations with Blender etc...
As I said in my profile, I am mainly interested in Blender to make MIDI music animations, which cannot be done without using Python. I have made such animations by using Animation Nodes, the latest versions of which have some MIDI capabilities. But I also have made them directly with Python scripting. The biggest hurdle with Animation Nodes is that it makes Blender unstable. However, I have found a way to force Blender to render my animations without crashing. This method can be used to prevent Blender from crashing with any other rendering causing Blender to crash. I use more methods than Blender to make MIDI music. I have used Unity, Wolfram's Mathematica, and Borland Delphi, which was my first attempt to make MIDI music animations. I amn also investigating Unreal Engine and Houdini to make such animations. I have had some success with using Geometry Nodes in combination with Python scripting to make MIDI music animations. The advantage is that Blender is then stable. The disadvantage is that Geometry Nodes has no scriptiong node, while Animation Nodes has. Here are my two channel links of YouTube and Look, especially to this video, which is a fairly unusual MIDI music animation, made with Blender and Animation Nodes. All graphic notes have the same length, but their speeds are adapted in such a way that they light up in sync with the music.
New comment 17h ago
My MIDI animations with Blender etc...
AttributeError: 'GeometryNodeTree' object has no attribute 'inputs'
I read about an issue someone had about trying use the "inputs" attribute on GeometryNodeTree. Here I try to explain what is going on
AttributeError: 'GeometryNodeTree' object has no attribute 'inputs'
Simpler Edge Selection Timer Example
Wanted to give a simpler example then the one here
New comment 2d ago
Simpler Edge Selection Timer Example
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CG Python Academy
3D artists learning Blender Python.
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