Going over basic interactions with collections
There was some interest in how you would work with collections using Python. Here is some code examples of how you can set the properties connected to a given collection. I explain this code in detail in the attached video. ``` view_layer_collection = dict() for view_col in bpy.context.view_layer.layer_collection.children: view_layer_collection[view_col.name] = view_col view_layer_collection = {view_col.name: view_col for view_col in bpy.context.view_layer.layer_collection.children} view_layer_collection['Collection'].holdout = True view_layer_collection['Collection'].indirect_only = True view_layer_collection['Collection'].exclude = True view_layer_collection['Collection'].hide_viewport = True bpy.data.collections['Collection'].hide_render = True bpy.data.collections['Collection'].hide_select = True bpy.data.collections['Collection'].hide_viewport = True ```