Carnivore Health
I’m enjoying Carnivore Health. I previously lost over 100 lbs through Keto, then slowly dropped vegetables. Since being Carnivore 2.5 years ago, my eyesight has improved from -2.75 to -1.25, hemi-crania continua improved, No more Blood pressure meds (I had 2 HBP meds), blood glucose stabilized, and GERD is gone. Most bothersome was Chronic constipation and the graphic details, pain and expense of that. Now I poop with ease.
I’m always tweaking Carnivore to suit my age, I’m 66.
I’m here because I want to drop 10 maybe even 20 lbs by learning from the Masters: Alice & Kevin, plus all of you.
My motto is: “Health with Meat & Jesus”
My YouTube is tiny but it’s a place to share my story: The Kingdom Weigh-Keto to Carnivore
Cathy Dickson
Carnivore Health
Metabolic Accelerator
Helping C-Suite Executives lose weight, biohack their health, and achieve peak performance.
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