7 Days of Intuitive Logging
Hi everyone 🖐️! As promised, here are the pre-work instructions for the upcoming week!
In our Carnivore Cut program, we recommend 7 days of intuitive tracking prior to starting the program. We call this "Intuitive tracking" 💪.
The purpose of this exercise is intentional and is designed for you to understand how much food and satiation you require to feel full.
1️⃣ Download a basic tracking app such as CarbManager.
2️⃣ For 7 days, do your own version of Carnivore and log 100% of everything that you eat into CarbManager. Try to weigh your foods raw. If you are weighing them cooked, divide the cooked weight by 0.75 to get the approximate raw weight.
3️⃣ After 7 days, calculate your average fat:protein ratio, average fat, and average protein amount that you've consumed over the week. The video tutorials will be released by then, so you can watch the detailed instructions in the Classroom at that point.
✅ Further detailed instructions can be found here (click "make a copy" to save to your Google Drive):
✅ Spreadsheet for intuitive logging can be found here (click "make a copy" to save to your Google Drive):
Once the course is live on October 31, we would recommend:
1) Reviewing the recommended adjustments to fat:protein based on the table in Module 2.16 - How To Determine Your Fat:Protein Ratio.
2) Using the Meal Plan Builder in Module 3.01 assess what the recommended fat:protein range is for your measurements and body composition goals.
If you are not ready to start today, don't sweat, you can always start on this intuitive logging process next week 😁
Alice Cee
7 Days of Intuitive Logging
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