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Welcome to Bougie Body!
Hello and WELCOME to the Bougie Body Family. I'm thrilled you are here and trust me to come along with you on your journey. A little about myself, my name is Carissa and I have done all things fitness. From dance to CrossFit and even a little bit of Body Building (yes I totally did a tiny bikini on a stage with everyone I knew!!) to being a barre instructor, there really isn't anything I haven't done. I'm also married to the love of my life and we have 2 children together, which is the driving force for continuing to live a healthy life. I think it is very easy to get caught up in our daily life and almost just as easy to ditch the things that make us healthy and happy, which is why I created a fun and easy way to get a workout in and take some time for yourself. We only get one body in this life, might as well treat it like your favorite designer purse. I'd love to get to know you and your goals, please comment below with your name and something crazy you have done and a goal you have. I'm here for YOU :)
New comment 27d ago
Welcome to Bougie Body!
So much happening this week!!
Hi Bougie Body family!! I’ve been busy getting the family ready to go back to school this week and so I apologize for being so MIA!! Good news is I have a ton of workouts just waiting to be filmed and can actually get that done faster with kids out of the house during the day. This week we will be no LIVE class but I will be bringing them back next week. That being said, I would love some input on days and times that might work best for you. Week nights?? Week mornings?? Or weekends?!?! I wanna know so we can workout together!! Comment below what you would love to see and I can make it happen. I hope you all had a wonderful 3 day weekend!!!
Hi Bougie Body peps! Question about the food guide….has anyone started following it yet or are we waiting for margarita season to be finished before we tackle that monkey?!? You might not know, but I ran the nutrition program at our gyms for a few years so food is kinda my jam!! Please don’t hesitate to hit me up with questions you may have, I love to help anyway I can!
New comment 12d ago
LIVE class tonight at 5pm!
Hi Bougie Body, tonight is our LIVE class and you will need a small band and a light set of weights for this one. Just a reminder that if you join in the live feed that your screen is shut off so I won't be able to see you. I had a few people ask about that this week and I wanted to address is so you knew you could have crazy hair or have your least favorite workout clothes on and it won't matter since we won't see you, just that your name will appear that you are in class. Here is the link and I will see you tonight!!
Food guide
I am allergic to eggs. Tolerance type. I Can eat eggs once a week. What can I substitute with? Also no peanuts; beans or soy. Thanks. Marlene
New comment 16d ago
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Bougie Body Fitness
It's ok to be Bougie, especially when it comes to your body! Our Barre inspired classes can be done in the comfort of your home with minimal equipment
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