Do Your Goals Align With Your Greater Vision?
When your goals don’t align with your vision, you lose momentum.
It’s like climbing a mountain that doesn’t lead to the peak you’re aiming for. You can get to the top and still feel lost, unsatisfied, like something's missing.
Because your goal was never connected to the bigger, bolder mission that your soul is striving for.
So, what do you do? You course-correct. You realign, and ask yourself: What is the adventure I’m truly seeking? What are the mountains I want to climb, not just the ones I think I should?
When you choose goals that match your vision, you unlock your true potential. Suddenly, you’re no longer running in circles. Every step forward feels purposeful.
And no matter the challenges ahead, you’ve got the strength to keep going, because now you’re aligned with your greater purpose.
Who can relate?
Christine Szinner
Do Your Goals Align With Your Greater Vision?
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