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New comment Aug 16
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Sunday fasting!
Hey guys! I will be doing the fasting again 😃💪🏽 I want to also do intermittent fasting the rest of the week and find out how i perform. If anyone else is interested and want to experience what fasting can do and fee form your mind and body. Comment below so we can share experiences
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New comment Aug 13
Benefits of working out while fasting.
Here are some benefits of working out in a fasted state: - Improves fat oxidation: Fasting can promote body fat loss and weight loss. - Enhances growth hormone production: Fasting during exercise increases growth hormone production, which can help the body build muscle and burn fat. - Induces autophagy: This can be thought of as your body’s natural cleaning process where it breaks down old or damaged cells and allows the body to reuse them. Research suggests there is a link between fasting and regular exercise that can trigger this process.
New comment Aug 13
My 3 M’s for an optimal morning routine
3 M’s Find a way to make this your own. Here’s an example of mine. Mindfulness - Meditation or breath works. Movement - Exercise, mobility work or stretch. Mindset- Do something you like. I enjoy listening to personal growth books or podcasts featuring the authors I’m currently listening or reading. Journaling has been something recently added to it and I’m truly enjoying it. The common mistake I see is people trying to make an hour out of all of this, but only having 30 minutes do what you can and as you reap the benefits of a structure morning routine you’ll start to set aside more time in the future. Try it for 14 days and see if it works for you. Like and comment below 👇🏽 it you have already set aside for yourself in the beginning of your day!
New comment Aug 12
5 Stoic Strategies to overcome challenges
Here are five Stoic strategies that can help you overcome challenges and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity: 1. **Practice Acceptance and Adaptation:** Embrace the idea that challenges are a natural part of life. Accepting situations as they come and adapting to them with a calm and rational mindset can help you navigate obstacles effectively. 2. **Focus on What You Can Control:** Stoicism teaches the importance of focusing on things within your control. By directing your energy towards actions and decisions you can influence, rather than dwelling on things beyond your power, you can approach challenges with a sense of empowerment. 3. **Develop Mental Strength through Adversity:** View challenges as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Embrace difficulties as chances to test and strengthen your character, resilience, and determination. 4. **Practice Equanimity and Emotional Detachment:** Cultivate a sense of inner peace and detachment from external circumstances. By maintaining a balanced and calm mindset, you can approach challenges with clarity and reason, rather than being swayed by emotional reactions. 5. **Use Visualization and Preparation:** Visualize potential challenges and prepare mentally for them in advance. By envisioning different scenarios and planning how you will respond, you can feel more equipped to face adversity when it arises, fostering a proactive and prepared mindset. Implementing these Stoic strategies in your daily life can help you develop a resilient and proactive approach to overcoming challenges, enabling you to navigate difficulties with strength, wisdom, and grace.
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