Who are you selling to & what use cases?
Hi team,
I'm about to start prospecting for leads to start selling ai services.
I like the idea of database reactivation & being paid either a monthly retainer or charging based on performance (per conversation, per lead, per appt, per sale).
However, I also like the idea of finding a niche that voice ai works really well for and just scaling it within that sector.
I'm wondering, what niches and use cases have you guys seen success with?
Things like dentists, chriopractors, pool companies, remodelling companies etc (and many others) come to mind, but would they really be ready to flick over all of their inbound calls to AI? I'm thinking I may need to frame it as an after hours answering service (which they don't take those calls anyway, so no 'risk') and then once they're comfortable they move up to it being 24/7.
Krzysztof S
Who are you selling to & what use cases?
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