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As someone who’s done BJJ for over 12 years, I made this group will help you gain muscle, whilst making progress in jiu-Jitsu!


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31 contributions to The Jiu-Jitsu Forum
Jiu-Jitsu is the BEST Physical Chess game
I'll always say this, Jiu-Jitsu is the best Physical Chess game out there What I mean by this is that Jiu-Jitsu is a game where you have to play smarter, not harder Jiu-Jitsu is about using your opponents strength against them And whilst speed and strength matter, Technique, and how to use technique is Superior If someone knows how to roll better, and use techniques better than someone else, then they will win, no matter their strength and speed. And this is what I mean by a physical Chess game, you have to play smarter, not harder. The same goes for wrestling in some cases, but Jiu-Jitsu is definitely the best, in my opinion Comment W if this post taught you something
Jiu-Jitsu is the BEST Physical Chess game
😴How to Sleep for health, and Performance😴
If you have bad sleep, or just want better sleep, this is for you👇 So first things first, there are many different reasons why we need good sleep, because if we get bad sleep, a lot of bad things can happen to us, hormonal imbalances, lower energy levels, increased stress, lots of bad shit can happen, I wont go over everything, but I hope you want to take your sleep seriously now, so let's do that👇 First things first, we need to know how to fall asleep easier, but before that, you need to set a bed time, and wake up time, and get at least 7-9 hours of sleep, the reason why you want to set a time to fall asleep, and wake up, is because your brain has a clock called the circadian Rhythm, this clock will help you regulate a hormone that rises throughout the day, and helps you fall asleep easier, so make sure you do those 2 things, set a bed time, and wake up time, and set how many hours you want to sleep for each night. Now in order to fall asleep easier, we need to do 3 things: 1. follow the 3, 2, 1 rule 2. Lower the amount of stimulation 3. Control light exposure So the first thing is the 3, 2, 1 rule, and this is very simple, no food 3 hours before bed, unless it's a light snack, no drinks before bed, you can have water, no screens 1 hour before bed, no blue light. Pretty simple right? Now, let's get into stimulation.👇 Lowering the amount of stimulation basically means we need to lower how much dopamine is being reduced before bed, so what we need to do is get rid of anything that can spike dopamine, like video games, movies, social media, screens, or anything like that. Next, we need to do things that will make us sleepy, you can read a book, do meditation, or journaling, something that wont stimulate you that much. Again, very simple and easy Now, something you might not be doing is limiting light exposure, what you need to do around 1-2 hours before bed is limit the amount of lights you are looking at, because it's unnatural to be looking at artificial light at the end of the day, unless it's a light on the ground, because that's natural, since it resembles something like a campfire back in the caveman days. So make sure you're not looking at that much light close to bed, and start to dim it down over time, between 2 hours before bed, to bed time, you can you candle lights(artificial or not, doesn't matter) in order to see, or if you wanna read, you can take a kindle, and read on that at the lowest light setting possible, if you wanna read something.
😴How to Sleep for health, and Performance😴
How to have good performance days at BJJ
There's no such thing as "oh, today was just a bad day" Your day, good or bad, is dependent on you So don't be a dumbass and do things to make it a bad day So how do we do that? First things first, to make sure I have a good day, and perform good, we need to make sure our diet is in check, typically I wouldn't eat a full on meal around 3 hours before, so I train around 6:30, so I don't have a big meal anywhere around after 3PM, The only food I have is some carbs, maybe like oats or some fruit, or rice, around an hour before training, which is fine, as long as it's not too much of course. And speaking of, don't train hypertrophy around maybe 3-4 hours before class as well. Another thing I do, is a meditation before class, and just sit and focus on y breath, or thoughts about Jiu-jitsu, to get into the mood. That's something that's helped me a lot, so I highly recommend it. Maybe think of ways to submit someone, or take them down, imagine yourself doing something at BJJ, and having a good day, it's been shown that visualizations can help with trying do do something, if you visualize your self doing a flip, in very good detail, you'll be more likely to do it. Look up Psycho Cybernetics, it's a book you can read that talks all about this. One last thing, make sure you're getting good sleep, at least 7 hours, to 9 hours of high quality sleep each night. To make sure you get good sleep, sleep in a cold dark room, not looking at any lights around an hour before bed, staying away form screens, and tech in general. Hope this helped, comment W if this post was VALUE!!!
How to have good performance days at BJJ
My Favorite thing about Jiu-Jitsu
Something I learned pretty recently about BJJ, is the fact that whether you have Bad Cardio Bad Strength You can still be pretty good Now of course if you're in the position that I was in a year and a half ago, where I was pretty skinny Then you'd need to add some weight for sure But even then Whilst speed and strength are corner stones of Jiu-Jitsu There're not the reason why Jiu-jitsu works Jiu-Jitsu was made to use other peoples strength against themselves And there comes a certain point in BJJ, where you learn to control your speed and strength the right way, and be able to beat someone who's stronger, and faster, but you seem to be stronger and faster to them, because you know how to control your speed and strength the right way. And that's what I love about Jiu-jitsu Is that you can learn a new form of mind to body connection, that is very powerful Same with wrestling I assume But I do BJJ Hopefully this post helps And one thing I want everyone to take away is that No matter how bad your cardio, or strength is Unless you look like you're starving You can beat anyone with superior technique Comment W if this post was Value!!!
New comment 2d ago
My Favorite thing about Jiu-Jitsu
How many tournaments have you done, and won?
Comment below, curious to know how many tournaments y'all have done, and won, I've lost both the ones I did, got 3rd tho at the first one cuz my bracket only had me and 2 other ppl😢
How many tournaments have you done, and won?
1-10 of 31
Been Doing BJJ for 12 Years, now using that knowledge to help those build muscle whilst making progress I Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

Active 1h ago
Joined Sep 9, 2024
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