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How many tournaments have you done, and won?
Comment below, curious to know how many tournaments y'all have done, and won, I've lost both the ones I did, got 3rd tho at the first one cuz my bracket only had me and 2 other ppl😢
How many tournaments have you done, and won?
Competition Prep
Not as a question for help, but I do wanna know, what do you do to get ready for a tournament? what do you eat, do, what habits, whatever, what do you do? Comment below👇
New comment 5d ago
CJI baby!!!
Gotta say I’m absolutely loving this 3 round 10 point system they’re running! The pit has also been amazing! B-Mac is AMAZING as a commentator too! Don’t wanna throw out any spoilers on matches yet in case people are behind, but DAMN this is a solid event!
New comment Aug 19
CJI Thoughts?
Day 1 of CJI is a wrap. What are your thoughts?
New comment Aug 19
CJI Day 2
The first ever CJI tournament is in the books! My take: Pros: The innovations that separated them from every other Jiu-jitsu event - The Alley, multiple rounds, 10 point must, open scoring - all seemed to work great for the athletes, the viewers, and the sport! Obviously, the money for the athletes was the biggest game changer of all, with two new millionaire athletes in the sport. Lots of money raised for charities. Cons: The judges criteria seemed a little ambiguous in tightly contested matches. The worst example, IMO, was the -80 finals. I really felt they got round 4 completely backwards, and that would have changed who won the million. The Gabi vs Craig match was a total side show. That being said, I don't know how else it could have played out, but the circus aspect was a little cringe/embarrassing. Just my opinion. The animus with ADCC was taken too far. I get that they were trying to make a point, but ADCC is by far the most important tournament that our sport has. Watching the tone of the trolls online, they've made it a zero sum equivalence between CJI and ADCC. That's going to destroy ADCC in the long run. Something that took nearly 30 years to build, and is not easy to replace. Best case scenario: CJI sticks around and becomes the highest paying event in the sport. ADCC sticks around and grows their brand as well as their fighter pay. Everyone chills the F out with the negativity towards either, and we all win! What are your thoughts? ⬇️⬇️
New comment Aug 19
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