Ji Combat Mastery
Private group
919 members
Become the ultimate martial artist for cheaper than a price of a pizza 🍕. Price will be going up to $29/ month soon so lock in while you still can.
🥋 Our mission is to make martial arts education as affordable as possible so you can learn from home without any equipment.
🥊 We will help you to maximise your striking speed, power, flexibility, physique and mindset to become the athlete you’ve always dreamed of becoming.
💎 Over $10K of value, for only $11 a month. We have a network of UFC champions & incredible coaches at your disposal...
What you can expect:
  • Over 200 video tutorials on standby
  • 8 week flexibility program
  • 8 week muscle building for martial artists
  • 3x weekly workouts (30 minutes)
  • 2 live training sessions a week
  • Full A-Z MMA Drills for Beginners & Advanced Martial Artists
  • Full A-Z BOXING Drills for Beginners & Advanced Boxers
  • Weekly Q+A sessions
  • Weekly challenges
  • 24/7 coaching support
🌍 Finally, get exclusive FREE access to in person training events with us!
See you inside 🏆
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Ji Combat Mastery
Private group
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