To be a man is to be responsible for another.
I had a very good ‘ex’. This was the girl who taught me a lot about myself, relationship dynamics, and for the sake of this post, traditional roles in a relationship. She was born in Iran, whole family habib or habibti’s. Her culture is as traditional and conservative as a man could dream for. Who doesn’t want a traditionally feminine women? Most, but most cannot handle it and underestimate the responsibility that comes with her. Most, but most aren’t traditionally masculine. I’ve lived in the United States my whole life. Never been outside of the country. The closest dose of traditional values is my full blooded Italian mother and her family. My dad and his dad are the only traditionally masculine men I know, additionally. With traditionally masculine men, they were always working. You’re probably thinking, how does this have to do with my ex? Patience if you want the full value of this passage. We’re getting there. I think this unintentionally allowed me to NOT fully inherit the masculine traits from them because they were working so much (more of the man and woman polarity traits. ex: pay for dinner, give your shirt to someone in need, always let women (even random women) out of the elevator first). Because with my ex, later in our relationship, she validly pointed out many flaws. One thing I remember her saying was something about how my dad was a gentleman / traditional and I wasn’t. She couldn’t even be mad how my family raised me because they are not like me in the context of mannerisms. And for me to want a traditional women, she pointed out that I had to be traditional man to demand such thing from her (fair point). I take what she said with a grain of salt because she acted on an overwhelming emotion. My mantra “stay with her intensity to a degree”. But, extrapolating what her motive and intentions were behind her telling me that, she has a point. Andrew Tate mentioned how if his daughter(s) were to date a man, the man would have to fully take care of that woman. Therefore, Andrew Tate would stop funding his daughters life, and stop taking care of his daughter, because that is now the boyfriend’s responsibility. Tate allocated his responsibility over to the boyfriend of his daughter(s). Causing Tate‘s daughter to choose wisely on who she dates. Tate has a Top 0.01% lifestyle btw. Infinite money, infinite everything. Smart. If we think about wedding ceremonies, that is exactly what is happening. The father is handing over his daughter to the husband, including every responsibility that comes with her (financially, spiritually, etc).