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Prosperity School Inner Circle

Private • 987 • $1,498/y

Scale Incubator

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Building in public by Daniel

Private • 9.3k • Free

Skool for High Ticket Experts

Public • 160 • $100/m

Scale Your Coaching

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CoinPicks Army

Private • 946 • $297/y

Freedom Fastlaner Club

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Skool Masterclass

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32 contributions to Skool Community
Community owners! Help me choose my lead magnet (2 options):
Hey, i help info-communities reduce churn. I want to know which lead magnet you would be more enticed to say 'YES 'to. Please vote! your input is super useful 🙏
3 members have voted
New comment 9h ago
1 like • 13h
@Arda Halibryam dont have an audience lol - gonna start buulding out a social presence soon tho
1 like • 10h
@Arda Halibryam like who?
Best lead magnet?
Hey guys, I’m trying to land an info community as a client. I’m offering retention services to them to reduce churn. Which lead magnet do you think would be best to go with? - Free week of retention service Or - Consultation session + free community retention audit document I’m curious on the one that’s the most effective in all aspects ex: eliciting a reply and getting in convo to actually landing as a client. Keep in mind free week of retention services is not as efficient as consultation session + audit document. As it takes up a week of my time and audit document would only take a day. Would really appreciate any feedback here! Thx! P.s: one more thing. Does ‘member retention services ‘ or ‘churn reduction services’ sound more enticing?
7 members have voted
New comment 20d ago
2 likes • Aug 20
@Matthew Garcia yes that’s true. Same strategies. But obv it’s custom to the nature of their community. Not sure what you mean connect them with someone in my community as I don’t run a community.
0 likes • 20d
@Isabelle M niceee. Hope it was valuable. What did you think of the loom video?
Will Skool Kill Linkedin?
I never had a reason to get on to Linkedin but being on skool is blowing my mind. Feels like there are so many smart people on here who are all fired up to help you get to the next level. I'm constantly coming across communities and people who are so PRO at what they do. Big thanks to @Sam Ovens for creating such an empowering platform!
New comment 20d ago
1 like • 23d
@Cody Dunlap Yooo check your Dms g! i wanna work for you for free
Formula to make members see success in 14 days (100% Works)
From a Retention Specialist - me :) Watch the 4m 30s loom video to understand in video format. —————————————————————————————————————————————————— Do you have low participation rates or low intimate/deep engagement rates? Follow this formula to boost them: Step 1: Understand what type of initiative and action you want them to take Is it: A) Non-creative task (A routine task) B) Creative task WATCH VIDEO to see how to determine a creative and non-creative task —————————————————————————————————————————————————— If it's a CREATIVE TASK: Step 2: Create and attach intrinsic Incentives (rewards) Example intrinsic rewards can be: A) Useful Information: Access to courses or cohort-based private sessions for their engagement inside creative tasks only B) Non-Tangible Rewards: Personalized feedback focusing on their effort and strategy rather than simply praising the outcome. C) Performance-Based Rewards: like the skool games (Top 10 highest MRR every month gets to visit Alex and the team) Incentivize them unexpectedly ONLY AFTER they complete the task. The goal is not to restrict their creativity which happens when their focus is on the reward. The only exception is performance-based rewards. —————————————————————————————————————————————————— If it's a NON-CREATIVE TASK: Step 2: Create and attach extrinsic Incentives (rewards) Example extrinsic rewards can be: A) Money B) Documents C) DIgital subscriptions D) Tangibles (clothes, books, etc.) These extrinsic rewards must tie into their members' end goal and what you teach and shouldn't be random. Any extrinsic reward can have a use case for what you teach. IMPORTANT: Step 2.1: Allow them to complete the task their own way Step 2.2: Acknowledge the task is boring Step 2.3: Offer a rationale on why the task is necessary —————————————————————————————————————————————————— PRO TIPS: Pro tip #1: Frst test the initiative, see if it works and see if members are seeing success and enjoying the program. Then attach the incentive to the initiative just so you don’t get blinded to the effectiveness of the initiative.
New comment 26d ago
Formula to make members see success in 14 days (100% Works)
0 likes • 26d
@Melissa Tucci Wow! you got it. exactly that. so you focus less on meaningful conversations and more on points and getting to the next level. Whereas if they didn't set in incentives to chat. And the people who normally chat is getting value back in terms of feedback, praises, useful information. They will feel more naturally inclined to chatting more. And then this can be set up strategically just to get everyone to send their first 3 messages with a direct reward tied to it. And thats going to be okay because you know that you'll be able to get them into being intrinsically motivated by giving them value back with feedback, direct convo with the owner of the group, etc; when replying to their three messages. So very strategic move,
0 likes • 26d
@John McMeniman Yes exactly that. for example, chatting with someone else requires you to think creatively to have a more whole-hearted convo. Therefore, using extrinsic rewards wouldn't be good as it restricts creativity and keeps members focus on the reward. But if it was just to simply chat (allowing for spam - no thoughts in messages), extrinsic rewards would work to get them to do that.
How to take payments on skool stripe doesn't show it
Hello, when I did a test purchase... Skool took the money... But stripe shows nothing. Any help?
New comment 29d ago
How to take payments on skool stripe doesn't show it
0 likes • 29d
@Casey Zander Yooo Casey, pls check your Dms brother! I want to help you reduce churn for headman nation for free.
1-10 of 32
Yahya Hisham
68points to level up
helping skool communities keep members subscribed for 10x longer.

Active 2m ago
Joined Jul 16, 2024
Vancouver, Canada
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