Best lead magnet?
Hey guys,
I’m trying to land an info community as a client. I’m offering retention services to them to reduce churn.
Which lead magnet do you think would be best to go with?
  • Free week of retention service
  • Consultation session + free community retention audit document
I’m curious on the one that’s the most effective in all aspects ex: eliciting a reply and getting in convo to actually landing as a client.
Keep in mind free week of retention services is not as efficient as consultation session + audit document. As it takes up a week of my time and audit document would only take a day.
Would really appreciate any feedback here!
P.s: one more thing. Does ‘member retention services ‘ or ‘churn reduction services’ sound more enticing?
Member retention services
Churn reduction services
7 votes
Yahya Hisham
Best lead magnet?
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