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Studiowissen Foto und Video

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3 contributions to Studiowissen Foto und Video
Sharing: Postshot
I've been tinkering with Jawset Postshot ( ) for a month or two and thought I'd share. Postshot uses Structure From Motion, Neural Response Field (NeRF), and Gaussian splats to create 3 dimensional models through which you can send Virtual Cameras through. It is being developed by Jascha Wetzel in Munich, Germany and is being shared (for now) as beta code. It's Discord is a melting pot of Photogrammetry folks, Game Developers, professionals and tinkers. The program itself is compatible with other, similar, software & folks are sharing multiprogram workflows that make my head spin. LOL. I was led to this program by the developer of Lifecast Volurama ( )..but that will have to be a separate post. In a nutshell, you take a series of videos or overlapping photos while circling around your subject and it fairly quickly converts these into a model. The first image below, for example, is the GUI from a self portrait model showing me surrounded by a series of pyramid graphics indicating the location of the images used to create the model (of me). The source video from which this model was created was taken on my back deck, but I deleted all of the surrounding "splats" so I am isolated in black. Below my image is the timeline for a virtual camera. In this example I am creating an "orbit" video where the camera moves in a circle around me. I actually create two videos---left and right---which I combine in the Vegas video editor to create a 3D video. Postshot cannot create 3D videos directly so I have an excel spreadsheet where I calculate the position and motion of the left and right virtual cameras. I set up a 360 frame clip and create Keyframes at frames 0, 1, 5, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 355, 359, and 360---i.e. every 45 degrees around the circle plus extra keyframes at 1, 5, 355, and 359 to help Postshot's smoothing algorithm fill in the rest of the arc. The right side of the image shows where the x,y,z location and rotation of the virtual camera is specified for each keyframe.
New comment Sep 10
Sharing: Postshot
Digitale / Analog
Was uns auch brennend interessiert, was benutz Ihr? Ausschließlich digitale Kameras oder auch auf Film, sprich analoge Fotografie?
New comment Aug 14
Digitale / Analog
2 likes • Aug 13
Two-finger synch is as simple as it sounds---I'd simply push the shutter buttons at the same time with my left and right index fingers. With the 35mm and 20mm lenses each camera would trigger it's own strobe. If the images weren't synched well enough the strobe of the "other" would cause a shadow of the shutter curtain in the image & I'd toss it. I rarely had to discard many images---human fingers and analog camera shutter mechanisms work pretty good! I was really disappointed when my Rollei's began to fall apart and I tried using a pair of digital cameras. The time difference between the shutter button and actual exposure was horribly long AND inconsistent in the digital cameras. I kinda gave up on 3D 'til I got the GoPro's. For the beam splitter set up I had a cable that would trigger both strobes from a single camera. The other camera was set to B (bulb) which simply opens the shutter as long as you are holding the shutter open. I would push the shutter button of the "B" camera first, then hit the shutter button of the other camera and release the shutter of the "B" camera. As I said above this worked well in dark California waters but not in Hawaii. Honestly, I really didn't have much opportunity to share my images. I had a stereopticon and similar plastic viewing glasses I could use to show friends and family. I also got a 3D slide viewer when I switched to slides. I scanned and prepared the images above years later when I started sharing 3D images on line. The National Stereoscopic Association used to hold annual meetings in a lecture hall at Stanford University. Stanford has a large set of dissection images in 3D & the hall was set up for 3D projection to medical students. I was lucky enough to attend the last 3 NSA meetings there. There were two other divers sharing underwater images. Attendees were allowed to bring 5 image pairs to share & I shared some images the last two years. My mounting skills were/are horrible but everyone was encouraging. It was a thrill to see them projected!
0 likes • Aug 14
@Wolfgang Riess One nice thing about the DIY side-by-side rig is it was heavy---mass=stability. I made floats out of Divinycell 100 incompressible foam that rendered the rig neutral in the water and helped keep it oriented upright. (It also served as a cane when standing up and a shield to fend off curious Harbor Seals & Sea Lions.) The internal flocking was failing in the Rolei's. Also, the glass bit the range finder looked through came loose while I was in Japan. I couldn't pronounce the Japanese word for super glue, but a Mom and Pop store understood my Janglish supagaru and I glued the bit back sitting on the steps of the Ryoan-ji rock garden. I took the cameras to the local shop to be repaired but they refused, saying they weren't worth fixing.
Begrüßung und Vorstellung 🌟
Hallo liebe Community von! 📸 Wir möchten euch herzlich willkommen heißen und dazu ermutigen, euch in unserer Kategorie „Vorstellung“vorzustellen. Dies ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um euch und eure fotografischen Interessen der Community näherzubringen. 🌟 Erzählt uns: - 📷 Was sind eure fotografischen Spezialinteressen? - 🎞 Welches ist euer Lieblingsequipment? - ❓ Habt ihr brennende Fotofragen, die ihr gerne beantwortet hättet? - 📈 In welchen Bereichen möchtet ihr euch verbessern und sucht Input? So funktioniert es: Erstellt einen eigenen Beitrag in der Kategorie „Vorstellung“ und aktualisiert diesen gerne im Laufe der Zeit, um eure Fortschritte und neuen Interessen mit uns zu teilen. 📑 Schaut euch auch die Beiträge der anderen Mitglieder an, liked und kommentiert sie, um schnell Gleichgesinnte zu finden. 👍 Das hilft uns, Schwerpunkte zu erkennen, auf die Wolfgang und ich sehr gerne eingehen. Hinterlasst einen Kommentar unter diesem Beitrag, um den roten Blitz „Complete Action“ zu entfernen und euch auf dem Weg zu einem höheren Mitglieder-Rank voranzubewegen. 🎖 Für diese Ranks haben wir später noch spannende Überraschungen vorbereitet! 🎁 Wir freuen uns darauf, mehr über euch zu erfahren und gemeinsam zu wachsen. 🌱 Herzliche Grüße, Florian
Complete action
New comment Nov 17
1 like • Jul 25
I am a Retired Electrical Engineer interested in 2D, 3D, VR180, & 360 photography and videography as a hobby. I have been tinkering lately with programs related to structure from motion, NeRF, 6DOF, etc. such as Lifecast Volumetric Video Editor and Volurama, and Jawset Postshot. I would like to learn more about the programming behind these technologies as well as lightfield photography, but hardly know where to start. I have done a lot of C programming but am self taught so am not up to speed in modern programming methods.
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Wayne Grabowski
5points to level up
2D, 3D, and VR photography and video tinkerer.

Active 29d ago
Joined May 9, 2024
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