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6 contributions to Ghost & Results Free
Good Morning ๐ŸŒ…
What are 3 things youโ€™re grateful for today? (Comment Daily)
New comment Jul 1
1 like โ€ข Jun 20
I am grateful for waking up today healthy. I am extremely grateful for waking up early today because that's my main problem that I am trying to conquer. I am grateful for feeling energetic and being in a right frame of mind to spend maximum time on my obligations and my priorities.
1 like โ€ข Jun 21
I am grateful for waking up today healthy. I am grateful for having the loving parents. I am grateful for watching the 'Breaking into old habits' Notion template because I really needed something like that to organize my daily tasks and habits.
4 Hour mooncast notes
@Devashish Bansod tell them Just finished watching the 4 hr call here are some notes that i wrote down while listening to the call i tried my best to keep it simple but mostly its written exactly how Younis said in the call & honestly i would have missed some pieces ill go through it once more & share if i missed something , thanks Younis for the call lots of gems i hope this helps others. 1. Do not judge thoughts that you notice because if you judge or you condemn what you hear then that means that the same voice would be coming through the back door. 2. Don't identify with what you feeling because that's your ego/mind that's not you & if you do then your'e gonna end up feeling crap or bad or that way . 3. Success is reserved for those who focus on their goals/purpose/mission. 4. Most people try to look for what more they need to do rather than most of the time it's actually limitations/constraints that's holding them back from their ability to focus ex- someone might be sleep deprived that's what holding them back,someone might have toxic relationships. 5. Just because you notice something that dosen't mean you can prevent it from arising the thoughts , so acknowledging it just makes it easier to not act on the thoughts it dosen't stop the thoughts. 6. Thoughts are most of the times triggered by something ex- if you have a thought of jumping in a trade something triggered it or it could be literally an impatient feeling , it could be making money now, it could be fuck this i'm gonna prove to my parents this is real. 7. Give yourself time to experiment so that means don't go on refining things every other day/week give it time to test things don't quickly jump maybe refine in a month/two. 8. Maximize on one pillar means go all in at that pillar & minimize other areas & minimizing means maintaining - ( 3-5 times then growing in that area ) ex - for body younis he is not being mad at body building he is working out 15 mins a day / 8-10 mins just to maintain his body so that you don't go all mad but you keep the momentum. 9. Think of a ladder in that where you are & then think of what the next level looks like & then enjoy the process of going to that level. 10. Carrier/studying/work is considered worship it's faith too so by doing it you are not neglecting faith it's a form of faith. 11. Priorities are always changing it's all about adaptation that's when you start understanding life & being successful. 12. If your priorities are changing often then you have to ask why it's often is it you or is it you bringing more new people in your life who brings their own problems to you then you have to listen to them & then you have yours too blah blah blah . 13. Stop anything that you are slave to (for me weed & i'm working on it not smoked from past 3 days) because most of the times we are doing it for filling a void & every time we are doing it we are teaching our mind that doing that fills the void & every time there is void we crave whatever we've told our body&mind it's the reward system which it's not, it's the same as trading when we teach ourselves that jumping in an unplanned trade is gonna stop this impatient feeling of waiting for a trade & then your'e gonna keep doing that , your'e gonna keep reinforcing that behavior/belief "fuck i'm finally in the market now it's better that waiting for a trade two weeks & when it hits stop loss ahh i wish i didn't do it & next time it repeats because you want that relief. 14. Do give charity & if you give charity you never go broke. 15. If you wanna know what's your god everyday just ask yourself what your'e thinking about the most that's your god. 16. It's not how you start it's how you end , so don't measure who you were last week measure who you were yesterday , so last week you can be someone else like ex- praying having faith in god & yesterday you would literally be questioning him where he is , i'm struggling i'm praying for things for years & they are still not here doubting his existence. Your'e only as good as your'e habits were yesterday ex- last week you didn't smoke but yesterday you smoked so you are a smoker now. The quality of your action is reflection who you are right now ex- last session your focus was good but this session it was not so work on that specific constraint. 17. You can't feel the heart with true contentment & happiness from anything external. 18. You need to be content with what your'e given. To be content is when you go from a boy to a man , look this is what god has given me right now , he might give me more tomorrow much more , but right now this is what i have ex- this is the roof i have over my head, the food that's presented to me , this are the clothes that i have , so these are your blessing. 19. An addiction will always try to justify itself , i've been through it . 20. Your heart gets impacted by the words on your tongue. 21. Weed makes you think a lot but not act (Younis perspective but you can do your own research & i can guarantee you guys this is what weed does ) . A man changes when he acts & not just thinks. 22. Make a list of everything you do for 7 days & then out of them list the constraints & work on eliminating them ex - smoking weed, going to gym, watching tv, eating late, sleeping late . 23. Ask god to show you what's the next best step if you wanna maximize on faith. 24. By constantly focusing on the quality of the action , striving to do it better , enjoying the process , you should be content before you pursue it & everything else will be it's byproduct. 25. Your problems are not basically your problems you are just viewing it as your problems it's mostly in your head. 26. If god dose'nt want to guide you you ain't getting guided even if someone shows you evidence you will deny it , if god wants to guide you it will be done. 27. If you don't tell your brain what you need to focus on in the moment then it will decide for you ex- In session if you don't tell your brain to wait for a setup then it will focus on making an trade idea & then taking it . 28. State your priority ask yourself what's your priority & then how you gonna go forward into it basically the priority & whats within that priority . Also state your brain the day time you doing it in your routine cause if u don't then it will decide for you so work on what how & when. 29. Sometimes you need to allow space for quietness so like after you have focused on your priorities in your free time just being silent for sometime will help a lot it can give your brain ideas on how to apply the knowledge. 30. For reading books younis says read through it until it gives you some applicable action basically read it until it hits you & tells you something you didn't know / it's given you a perspective you didn't know so you should reflect & act upon it / an applicable action then you are done reading for the day , don't read 50 pages a day you will simply become a consumer . 31. Daily routine = Obligatories + Priority. 32. When it comes to faith & trading don't ever think " oh i conquered this i've got midfulness, psychology this & that " you never conquer anything because these are the areas which you can never fully master it means there's no top of the mountain/end , there is always constantly getting better & for faith you are either moving closer tom god / away from him. 33. When you center everything around god , he actually gives you abilities ex-ability to memorize , ability to giving charity , ability/opportunity to getting closer to him, ability to remember poor people, ability to focus , etc. 34. Your guilt should come from not doing what you meant to do & not some random shit. 35. Change happens incrementally over time like everyday you are changing & one day you look back & say oh my god i'm a complete different person i don't watch porn , i don't smoke , i follow my morning routine , etc , it happens but if you are waiting for that moment to happen then it never happens , there's no such thing like it clicks all of a sudden , it's been clicking all the time .
New comment Jun 21
1 like โ€ข Jun 19
Thanks a lot for these detailed notes. It helps a lot not to miss any gem.
This will be available in the coming days! Keep your eyes peeled. You can now book a 1-2-1 with me for a chat. Spots fillingโ—
New comment Jun 15
1 like โ€ข Jun 15
That would be amazing bro. Thanks a lot๐ŸŒ™๐ŸŒ™
My Introduction
Hi there, My name is Waqar Hassan and I am from Pakistan. I am 26 years old and it's almost been 3 years since I got into trading. I met Younis bro from the Riz podcast, and then I joined his main telegram. From the main telegram, I got into the refined telegram and then into the discord community. Before trading, I used to work as an Amazon freelancer on Upwork. I was doing great on Upwork but back then, a trading influencer presented trading as a flashy thing and I got into it. I started trading part-time but when it didn't work out, I had to leave my business on Upwork in the pursuit of becoming a successful trader. At that time, I didn't know that trading would be too deep. I thought that it was just like finding a good indicator strategy and that's it. I am very happy and content that I got into trading because the amount of self-awareness and discipline I learned from trading wouldn't have been possible in any other endeavor in life. One thing I must say is that I should have gotten a mentor so I could go easy on myself and shorten my learning curve. The reason for mentioning to go easy on myself is because I was an aggressive content consumer. I used to think that being busy meant being productive, but I was going nowhere. I remember, almost like 6 months ago, in the refined telegram, Younis bro discussed being a content consumer and not getting any real value from the surface-level knowledge that I am consuming. This thing hit me like a thunderbolt and right at the spot, I deleted almost 300 trading videos from YouTube which were on my watchlist.
Classes are available (Read slowly and carefully)
Gooooood Morning, I say this after only 3 hours sleep but right now I'm not in high performance mode, I'm in grind mode, there two different things, I'm not in the arena to perform, it means I'm trying to get the most done in 24 hours and not trading or performing tasks where insufficient sleep would wreck the performance of that task. I don't need a great sleep for content creation. You have to be pretty adaptive, I've learnt over my career that you cant have it all. Anyways, 2 classes have become available. I really don't care what level you are at in your journey of life, you can be rich or you can be poor, you can be funded or you can be stranded, you can be someone that is consistent in great habits or someone who is not, I still respect you a dozen because it's not your fault, but it will be your fault if you choose to stay down. My tasks will still make you 10 x better in every area of life GURANTEED regardless of where you are. Because its not my own ability, its God given ability. That means I ask you kindly to keep an open mind and heart and witness something epic happen in front of your eyes. If your in this community, your blessed, if you saw the opportunity but are not here, maybe its not the right place for the person, maybe God has sealed the persons heart so they can see but not with their heart. I don't know but what I do know is; I have made 2 classes available so please head over the to the 'Classrooms' tab. Listen very carefully if you want to make the best out of this opportunity that will change the direction of your future. If you are someone that experiences any stress, any negativity, any doubt, any anxiousness, any worrisome thoughts such as 'What if it don't all work out?', 'What if I'm dreaming and my parent's are right? What if I stay broke? What if I'm just meant to live an average life?, 'What if I don't find my dream spouse?' 'What if I cant pay the bills'? 'What if thoughts.....If you struggle to get out of bed or lack energy, anything of that kind then please make sure you go through the first classroom and do exactly as is said in the video. Nothing else. Literally just the first classroom and update us as you go along when you have special moments, you will know when its a special moment, something will happen in your inner world, or your outer world.
New comment Jun 12
1 like โ€ข Jun 12
Thanks a lot bro for your efforts. I will watch 2 classes soon and will update you about my improvement.
1-6 of 6
Waqar Hassan
7points to level up
Hard thing is the right thing.

Active 3h ago
Joined Jun 11, 2024
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